
edited January 2009 in Sam & Max
Listen I was a big fan of our psychotic friends when I was a child!!! And when I saw that they were back I became crazy!!! :) The best game ever made with day of the tentacle!!! And the idea to realize it as a dvd season is just great!!!

100/100 for you guys!

Will there be a third season???


  • edited January 2009
    Hey there!

    Yes! There will be a third season, although we haven't announced a start date yet.
  • edited January 2009
    Early '09 apparently.
  • edited January 2009
    Like I said in my last post, we haven't announced an official date yet.
  • edited January 2009
    sooooooooooo.... what can we expect? even more neurotic and deranged lunatics? O_o
    say yes!
  • edited January 2009
    I was just saying what people all around the forums are always saying, and I'm pretty sure the Wallace and Gromit FAQ says Sam and Max will be back in early '09, in the question about are you abandoning your other games.
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    I was just saying what people all around the forums are always saying, and I'm pretty sure the Wallace and Gromit FAQ says Sam and Max will be back in early '09, in the question about are you abandoning your other games.

    Are you sure? If you can actually find your information sources and cite them specifically it can prevent misinformation and help everyone manage their expectations. What "someone" said on the forum isn't a source. And if we revise information on nearly year-old scheduling estimates, the new information invalidates the old information. Like Doug said, Sam & Max S3 is no longer in the early 2009 ballpark.
  • edited January 2009
    Definitely no chance?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    The Strong Bad FAQ said Season Three "early '09," but we were maybe hasty when we tacked the 'early' on there. Season Three's gonna exist, and all signs point to it being a sweet game (all signs being "why wouldn't it be?"), but beyond that we haven't got much to say yet!
  • edited January 2009
    I hope that define concrete information on the third season soon, after all the fans waiting anxiously for this, after all Sam & Max is the best series of TellTale (at least in my opinion).:)
  • edited January 2009
    I'm waiting to see if they just suddenly release epp 1. Since they wont even tell us if they've started on it...

    As much as we all love the teasers remember they're rendered in high-quality and take a LOT more time than the game itself.

    I know those are kinda contradictory, just trying to state a few facts that people amazingly forget from week 1 to week 2...
  • edited January 2009
    I can remember leaping into the madhouse that is Sam & Max.
    It was a review I saw on GameOne that made me interested. So I downloaded a demo
    and was pulled into it like it was a herd of elephants.
  • edited January 2009
    Not early 2009? Ah, well. STILL haven't played 203-205 yet, so I guess I have to worry about that before I worry about Season 3, right? Plus, I've still got to get the Surfin' the Highway comic, so I've got plenty to keep my attention occupied until Season 3 is released.
    I do hope they show some sort of trailer soon though.
    While we're on this topic, I have a question: I haven't ever seen a commercial for a Telltale Game, I don't think. Why is that? Do you guys not want to advertise on public television?
  • edited January 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    While we're on this topic, I have a question: I haven't ever seen a commercial for a Telltale Game, I don't think. Why is that? Do you guys not want to advertise on public television?

    In a world where advertising was free, I'm sure we'd love to do TV ads. But TV ads are notoriously non-free, and I think we'd prefer to spend our money on making games.
  • edited January 2009
    Just give us some info...... anything! Can you at least tell us when your going to reveal something! Im that desperate.
  • edited January 2009
    I predict there will be screenshots and gameplay video a week or so before the game is available. </psychic>
  • edited January 2009
    Shauntron wrote: »
    Sam & Max S3 is no longer in the early 2009 ballpark.

    Now. IT all goes as i predicted. Wallaca and Gromit first, and Sam and Max later. No big deal really... I've still got 2 strong bad episode to play, and maybe i'll check the Bone games ... and i still didn't read the comicbook. + I'm going to be rather busy in the coming weeks and i'm sure Wallace will be a sweet game... As long as you guys don't come out saying 'it's no longer in the 2009 ballpark, i can manage. In wich case i'd have to post annoying messages......and stuff.... and.....:(
  • edited January 2009
    Allow me to be the most uncaring ba****d on the forum.

    Make it whenever you want, or even let the series die!

    that's right, if S+M S2 ended the series, I would be content. it wrapped up the plot nicely, and perhaps in another decade or so another publisher will pick up the S+M franchise again.

    W+G sould be interesting, and I've not seen SBcgFAP or Bone yet, so... (anyone know if CBcgFAP and/or Bone is on Gametap like S+M?)

    Dont let people get to you, TTG, go with the flow, if ppl get too annoying, remember there is a nice forum button called BAN *realizes this raises personal risk of banning, but doesnt really care anymore* keep up the good work on whatever games you decide to persue! B)
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