T W D season 1 in app

Hi I purchased the 400 days plus the season pass for TWD season one I tried to restore my purchase I can't get the app to open contacted Apple support they told me to contact you first I need us find out if you can help me get my purchase or refund my purchase like to try to purchase again thank you


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If your app is crashing when you are trying to open it, please close the game and all other applications running in the background. This should free up necessary system resources. (To close an app running in the background on iOS 6 and before: double tap the home button to make all running apps appear at the bottom of the screen, hold down on an app you wish to close and red buttons will appear, tap the red buttons to close the apps. If on iOS 7, double tap the home button and swipe up on the open apps to close them) Also, please turn off your iOS device for at least three minutes before attempting to play the game again. This will allow the device’s cache to clear.

    Then after restarting your device, please reset the WiFi by turning the WiFi Settings Off, and back On again. Then try starting the game application again, and see if you are able to successfully open the game application.

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