Mother 3
Discuss the unreleased and incredibly amazing sequel to Earthbound which, sadly, doesn't seem to be coming here anytime soon. Apparently, there's speculation that a 'food cart guy' is Ness. To that I have to say that Mother 3 takes place 200 years after Earthbound, and these pictures:

Oh, and here is a link to the English language patch. You're on your own for the ROM, though.

Oh, and here is a link to the English language patch. You're on your own for the ROM, though.
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Now bow to Master Porky!
Oh, and I think that the Food cart guy is really Ninten. (From Mother)
EDIT: It takes place in the 1980s, but EarthBound takes place in 199X.
I look forward to having time to play this, hopefully there's an emulator for WM6...
What about Earthbound 64?
AFAIK it was never completed, I think that was the canceled Mother 3 that 16_bit_mario was talking about.