Polish, English, used to know some German and Norwegian words, school level I guess. If it counts, I can curse in High Valyrian (GoT fans will understand).
Polish, English, used to know some German and Norwegian words, school level I guess. If it counts, I can curse in High Valyrian (GoT fans will understand).
English (main language), French (barely any ), Assyrian (only can understand most, can't speak any of it though), and my parents speak a lot of Arabic so I kinda recognize the words you're saying but I don't speak or understand any of it :P.
ok , that is more than logical.... even when i thought that you were fom UK.... you know... its hard to find people with interest in soo many languages , just keep like that...
ok , that is more than logical.... even when i thought that you were fom UK.... you know... its hard to find people with interest in soo many languages , just keep like that...
Well being from the Czech republic I obviously know Czech, I also understand Slovak and Polish (although Polish a bit less than Slovak).
I learned German in primary school (forgot most of it though) and now at high school I am supposed to learn Spanish.
But frankly to be honest I spend most of my time writing and speaking English these days (I actually started thinking in English instead of my native language, believe it or not) and the best part is that most of my knowledge comes from playing video games, watching movies and generally just using the computer at my disposal.
The vast majority of what I learned is self-taught, I consider school merely a means to an end at this point.
In order of how well: Danish, German, English, Polish.
I've moved around a lot throughout my life, so I've become rather familiar with most of the Northern European and Eastern European languages. Can't carry a conversation in all of them, but I can understand well enough.
Finnish, English, French, Swedish. I am Finnish. ^^
English and German (and I used to have latin in school, but I guess that doesn't count :P)
(I don't speak more Valyrian lol)
Potuguese, English and I'm on third level on French.
I'm surprised how many people out here actually speak my language. :O I'm a native Russian speaker, but also know English and a bit of French.
Good enough for me :>
I'm sorry, don't behead me
How? You have Mustache, it adds 50 points to your defence. I can't do nothing.
Recently got forced into college Spanish because of switching majors. Shoot me.
Fajnie czasem spotkać kogoś z Polski na forach tego typu. Siema. xD
A witam
English but I do know a romantic compliment in Italian.
Edit:im kinda upset no ones asked me to use it.
English (main language), French (barely any
), Assyrian (only can understand most, can't speak any of it though), and my parents speak a lot of Arabic so I kinda recognize the words you're saying but I don't speak or understand any of it :P.
Portugues, english used to know italian and i know three words in chinese.
English, learning Spanish. Picked up a few Japanese words from friends. Plan to learn french, German, Russian, Chinese.
spanish (becouse is my native language): hola amigos !!!!
and english (becouse i was in a english class)
AND actually taking classes of french
man... my native language IS spanish, something similar happened to me in college thats when i learned english...
wow man .. wow i just know english and spanish... just... wow
In fifth grade I actually was pretty good in German.
are you from US or UK???
ok , that is more than logical.... even when i thought that you were fom UK.... you know... its hard to find people with interest in soo many languages , just keep like that...
I don't think I learn all of them...
if a persons compromises itself , then that person will be captable of anything...
Ha, maybe you should take my online quiz for me then
Was English difficult to learn?
Well being from the Czech republic I obviously know Czech, I also understand Slovak and Polish (although Polish a bit less than Slovak).
I learned German in primary school (forgot most of it though) and now at high school I am supposed to learn Spanish.
But frankly to be honest I spend most of my time writing and speaking English these days (I actually started thinking in English instead of my native language, believe it or not) and the best part is that most of my knowledge comes from playing video games, watching movies and generally just using the computer at my disposal.
The vast majority of what I learned is self-taught, I consider school merely a means to an end at this point.
"English motherfucker!" -Kenny
English, some Spanish, French, Haitian Creole. Very small amount of Portuguese, ASL & Italian.
I don't know English. That's for sure. :P
English. That's it. Wouldn't mind learning French though.
English and very very little german.
More like:
In order of how well: Danish, German, English, Polish.
I've moved around a lot throughout my life, so I've become rather familiar with most of the Northern European and Eastern European languages. Can't carry a conversation in all of them, but I can understand well enough.
English, but my grammer is atrocious and pig latin.
Dutch, English, German, French, Albanian
Finnish, English, Sweden, couple words of Russia and Spanish.
Turkish, English and French.
English, Maori, Spanish, Italian and French
Wow. Impressive.