Bigby Wolf Prank Call
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Did you just get heaps of dialogue from wolf among us and then add this into a call cause this is so funny
If you guys want Bigby's soundboard go here:
Yeah, I used a Bigby soundboard I found. Thanks man.
Yup, that's the one. I posted a link in the description of the YT vid
Cool, here's a link to another one on YouTube, The Search For Woody Continues:
Yeah, he has some good prank calls on his channel
Thanks for all the views and love!
"Looks like I can't send you a cab."
"Fuck. You."
Classic xD
LMFAOOOO i haven't laughed this hard in forever! Thanks for adding this made my day....made my week xD
1million thumbs up!
Thanks guys!
I'll do some more if you guys would like. Should I call the same company?
For sure!
I'll link it here when it's out. I'll probs do it tonight and upload it tomorrow
Holy shit, I just got off the phone with the taxi company, and it was hilarious. Me and the operator got into a fight and she eventually transferred me to the supervisor who called me out. Anyways, I'll post it in about an hour, gotta edit some stuff out.
Here it is!
This is great! I laughed so hard.
This might sound stupid...but is this a set-up? Or did you actually do this to a real cab company? Either way, sounds pretty convincing!
Nah, I called a legit cab company.
I'll be uploading an outtake video this weekend. These were some clips I still have on my PC that I either edited out of the final video or I just didn't like, usually because I abused the operator right away or tried to flirt with them so they hung up immediate, it's still hilarious though.
This is genius man. I love it.
This his hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
I was cringing the whole time haha
am I the only one thinking it would be extremly funny to do bigby calling a phone sex line? XDDDDDDDDD
I was planning on doing a prank call with a sex line, so maybe I'll do it next week and upload it. I wanna get these cut scenes out first so I can get em off my PC. :P
I can only imagine how that would go!
I don't wanna link the video here since it's not totally related, but I uploaded a new prank call on my channel if you're interested! Bigby Wolf calls a phone sex line tomorrow, and I'll upload it here this weekend.
BAHAHA that was funny to hear ! good idea for a phone prank !
Thanks guys, I'll give credit to who suggested the sex line prank call.
Biigby - "Are you wearing silk langerie?"
Yep, I'll definitely be using that line as a conversation starter, fo shure. :P
Uploading the outtakes video now. I'm currently looking for free hotline numbers, or at least ones with free trials.
Here it is.

You are really good at this.
I think you should a lot more prank phone calls
Do more prank calls? Definitely, I'll be uploading the Bigby Wolf calls a Sex Line in a few days as I've uploaded a lot of videos this past week. I'll probably be using different people after this one.
Clementine calls 911?
well it would be funny but NEVER prank call emergency services, it's not fair on people who have genuine life-threatening accidents