What the hell Luke?
I don't know what to think about Luke anymore. I liked him at first, but when he said that we should leave Kenny behind in ep3, it changed him for me. And now again? He wants to leave him again in ep4? What's wrong with him? What if Clem was in Kenny's position? Would he leave her behind too? Clem lost alot of people as well, and if she'd become broken? You can't just leave people behind because they lost so much in their life and don't feel happy. Of course they'll be broken. You should support them in any possible way instead of leaving them to possibly die. What Luke is doing here isn't about survival as most people would say. He's just being selfish because he can't handle people who are harder to survive with. And btw why didn't he leave Sarah then? She was hard to survive with. Anyway, I hope Kenny doesn't die in this episode. He's so strong and I hope he finds something to keep going for. And if I'll have to choose between Kenny and Luke, I'm picking Kenny. I don't want him to lose Clem too.
Luke don't wanna leave Kenny behind in episode 3. He was the only one person, who said "we must wait, because we're so tired, beaten up, pregnant etc. The others members of the group wanna leave immediately. And then Luke: If you all are serious about leave tonight, then we must talk about some folks leave behind. So Luke was the only one people who said out the true in that case, if the group really wanna leave the camp immediately. The other members of the group (except Clem) don't think about Kenny, they (except Luke) almost forget he was beaten up by Carver.
In episode three, he was playing devil's advocate. He was actually wanting to stay behind so that Kenny and the rest of them could rest and heal up. Everyone else was adamant on leaving so he was like, "You want to leave? Fine, but remember that we'll have to leave Kenny behind since he probably won't be able to follow".
As for episode four, a lot of that conversation was edited out for the trailer. We don't know the words leading up to it or what follows. The context is unclear so maybe it doesn't even have to do with Kenny completely. I doubt he wants to leave Kenny just because he's "broken". Luke was upset when Clem killed a dog out of mercy and he's lost his own family, he's not just going to be like, "this guy's sad.. let's ditch 'em". Maybe Telltale will make this choice of whether we agree or not harder by making Kenny's depression actually impact the group in some way.
"I just want to survive Clem, that means picking the right sides". A different interpretation of that line is that he's not only referring to Clem choosing a side, but he himself. Maybe there's a conflict within the group, someone else suggesting something that's not in Kenny's best interest, and Luke is like "I don't know what the best thing to do is". Just a theory. An unlikely one, but still a theory.
I think we should wait to see the context of the scene. Those two lines he has could be different conversations for all we know.
I don't know. In episode 2 you can already see him making insinuations about Kenny's mental state based on the fact that he lost his family (Carlos warns not to jump to conclusions). The way he dealt with Walter also shows a predisposition to want to avoid people who might "lose it" because of personal loss. Even the way he handles Nick hints at this possibility.
If Kenny's mental state effects the group that would just be more of an impetus than he currently has, IMO. But I agree, context is important.
Why would Luke even give a fuck. He needs to mind his own god damn business.
Don't like Kenny? Then take the other fucking route to Wellington.
You mean when he says that losing family "can hit a guy pretty hard"? I always assumed it was him sympathizing with him since he, too, has lost his family. You do have a point when you think of those points in that light, but the way Luke delivers his line about Kenny being broken doesn't make me feel that he's accusing him of anything. That kind of goes with my point that Luke wouldn't suggest leaving someone behind unless they gave some sort of indication that they will be a serious problem for the rest of the group.
I believe it was something he said in response to one of your dialogue choices. Possibly the one where you say "it's been a while" when he asks your opinion about Kenny. I'll have to double check.
For the record, I'm not saying that Luke deciding to ditch Kenny would have any malicious intent behind it. He really hasn't given me that impression, tbh. Just that he may have an aversion to dealing with people who have heavy emotional baggage.
I agree Luke did not want to leave Kenny in episode 3 he wanted to stay to go together but in episode 4 we dont know the whole situation why he want to leave Kenny, I would not go into conclusion maybe Kenny wanted to stay and die like Nike in episode 2 in the shed Nick wanted to stay and die (only if you saved him then Pete).
Alright, I'm gonna try to share why I might agree with Luke.
I like Kenny. He's loyal. But right now, our priority is Clementine's survival. Kenny's mental health is likely going, his physical health is weakened from his injuries, and he seems very suicidal. He's even said himself that he was upset when he found out that he wasn't dead, and that he found peace in nearly dying. Kenny's done a lot for us, but his time seems to be running out. I think it might be time to give him a break; he's lost enough, and it's getting hard for him to move on.
Then again, maybe Telltale's trying to mislead us with all of this, and we won't actually be able to make a choice between the two. I'm curious.
Back up.
Kenny is a suicidal wreck. Sarita will most likely die in episode 4, which will cause Kenny to freak the fuck out. I hate to say it, but Kenny's a ticking time bomb just ready to die. His physical and mental health are deteriorating, and it's a matter of time before he gives up or risks his safety, putting him in danger.
To be fair, Kenny would've suggested the EXACT same thing. That is, if Luke had been injured, to leave him behind, and you know it.
Maybe thats an "Are you ok, you just watched a friend nearly get beaten to death, a group member killed (Carlos or 2 if Alvin) hacked Sarita's arm off (or not) and the only other kid in the group is missing, presumed eaten. And now that friend, having already lost a wife and son, is now dealing with losing another."
I think in that context, no is the only answer...