I love Bigby
I have to say I absolutely love Bigby Wolf. They did a great job with his character, and how he looks in the game with each of his transformations. Bigby has a personality, depth and was very interesting to play. I wish they had posters of him, I'd love to have a The Wolf Among Us poster featuring Bigby and cast on my wall. If anyone knows of any please let me know!
I want to continue to play Bigby Wolf in Season 2, it is a must for me.
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I found this a while back, not sure where. It could look good if you print it off and stick it on your wall, I'm actually using it as a desktop background right now.
You'll want to open it in a new tab before you save it though.
Thank you!!
I love him too,but I'm afraid there's no s2:'(
and the comic is ending soon ,I'll miss him
How could you not? Lol. I wouldnt mind playing as another character though, with Bigby as a character you can interact with like Flycatcher and Beast.
How do you know there won't be a S2? With the ending S1 had plus the great reviews Telltale got for the game it will be kinda disappointing if Telltale doesn't at least make a DLC.
The Wolf Among Us: a classy game for classy people.
I agree there will not be a season 2, it is highly unlikely because it is a prequel game and they dont have much freedom in their stroyline as they do with bigger and more popular titles like game of thrones and borderlands. and especially with the comic ending, the fable universe is being put to bed at least until the movie is released.
There is 20 years before the start of the comics. There are so many aspects of Fabletown and Fables that they can bring into a new season.
It's from aleco247 on deviantart
He/She also made this one: http://aleco247.deviantart.com/art/The-Wolf-Among-Us-all-episodes-background-414249081
DLC as bigby and season 2 as cindy
I would rather have it the other way around. Cindy can be an important character in S2 so we can learn about her more through the DLC and play as Bigby in S2 but have more knowledge on Cindy.
I just realized that Holly isn't included in this pic. Poor Holly...
I think you also need to consider a few things here, they can introduce new fables not written in the comics if they are restricted to keeping the same lore. And we don't even know if they are limited to keeping the lore in the graphic novels. If not then there is PLENTY they can do here, but I don't see them deviating from the lore much, if anything there will be other story's that will tie in to the graphic novels, that in of itself would be worth it and add value.
Also, I don't see why they would even bother making TWAU to begin with for only one season. Why bother developing a new game for only one season? Why bother?? This game IMHO has become a huge success for them and I think it would make MORE sense that they have every intention on developing this further. If it was a flop then I can see them not doing another season. But I believe TWAU was a huge success, their even branching out to all platforms Xbox One, PS4, etch... there is a lot of effort being put in to TWAU for it to just be for one season.....
I did not know this was 20 years before the graphic novels, That really does give them a lot to work with then.
I think there definitely will be another season in the Fables series. It might not be for awhile though.
Excuse my language but Bigby is the shit!
Probably won't get the first episode until after GoT S1, so most likely next summer (August more likely). Hopefully we get a DLC while or after Tales.
who doesn't?
Most likely the Crooked Man's goons. But, a lot of them are dead and/or got the Glamour beat out of them anyway.
Oops, almost forgot, Bigby IS the one-man cleanup crew.
DLC should be with Bigby, Snow, Cindy, Faith/Nerissa, Jack, and Bluebeard. Bigby using the Magic Mirror to find out who is alive and going to Paris after Crane. Snow being overworked and Bigby making her get a vacation. Finding out what Cindy was doing in Europe and how she got misinformed by Bigby what happened during the season. Faith/Nerissa flashback would really shed some light on things. Jack stealing from Crane's apartment would be interesting. What did Bluebeard find at Tweedles or burn in Crane's apartment is an interesting question. And after that the focus is back on Bigby to end the DLC with S2 confirmation.
I agree with you when you say that they did a great job giving him depth and an interesting personality, but am I the only one who thought that he was a bit too overpowered? Especially in part V, when he gets in this huge wolf form during the fight against Bloody Mary? I felt like bigby turned from being a big bad wolf, to a superhero big bad wolf in part III, then finally to a god-like big bad wolf. It personally pulled me a bit out of the story.
Bigby in Episode 1 was nowhere even close to a big bad wolf. He was just a werewolf. I did love seeing him as the huge, powerful wolf he truly is in Episode 5 and defeating all those Bloody Mary's copies.
I don't think he is overpowered just point silver in his direction and fire it's bound to hit an 8 foot wolf
He's hot. Enough said.
"and going to Paris after Crane"
Can't happen because comics
We never get to see what Bigby actually saw in that room in Paris, and we already know Bigby lied to Cindy about why Crane was fired. Snow overworked getting a vacation happens in the Cinderella comics, but we only see the actual vacation. The others for the most part focus only on the questions from the episodes.