I have one, but havn't uploaded anything. I use my own private hosting for my flash/animations. Only have it to grant me access to... certain clips <.< >.>
I just recently created a YouTube account myself. I was previously using MySpace to share my videos, but they didn't take too kindly to Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World (and presumably any copyrighted music) being used for a tribute clip. Anyway, my YouTube account is mikejhaley. I have been using it mostly for ancient home movies, but there is also some slightly more interesting stuff.
I accept your thinly veiled invitation to ask about the certain clips, though this may not end well.
lol! acctually it was to view clips flagged as "mature" though no I'm not looking for porn, a lot of borderline clips are flagged like bodypainting because they *may* have a shot here or there that you see a grainy spot that *might* be a nipple or something... (or might just be an ugly mole)
I accept your thinly veiled invitation to ask about the certain clips, though this may not end well.
He probably means this
-Dr. Z.
lol! acctually it was to view clips flagged as "mature" though no I'm not looking for porn, a lot of borderline clips are flagged like bodypainting because they *may* have a shot here or there that you see a grainy spot that *might* be a nipple or something... (or might just be an ugly mole)
My favorites are actually innocent, well not 100% innocent but PG-13 or lower. Trailer for the Zelda Movie http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=iR1KLZb33QM or the trailer for the game Alice http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=rmwE1QZE3EI
UUUGGGHHH! D**n you! I cant believe I got rickroll'd... props to you though for succeeding!
OK thats creepy, but to get back on subject
I havn't uploaded any crap on my channell yet but i will
Aw you got me. . .
KayJay123 was already taken
(what? it seems cool! expiecally since i have seen his posts and they ARE AWESOME!!)
Most of the time I just add vids to playlists rather than upload vids
I mostly upload favorites and comment and rate, not upload.
Just a bunch of 'retro' stuff (I don't like that word, makes me feel old :eek:).
I only have 1 video so far, and it's a video of one of my crappy RCT3 coasters. I am WAY too addicted to that game.
Not many videos on there... just some contests...