Abandon the forums.

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead
Ok i said about 20 minutes ago that it would be my last post, but I wanted to warn everyone first.. so this is my last post, Everyone who has not yet been spoiled LEAVE THE FORUMS NOW! Leaked videos of episode 4 are out and people are making troll accounts and spoiling the story of episode 4 on here. The episode comes out in 2 days guys.. Get out of here while you still can before someone else makes you realise those 3 months of waiting were for nothing because he or she can spoil the story for you in one second... Get off the internet and do other things for the next day or so..

It is too late for some but seriously... get the fuck outta here while you still can.


  • Dude, there are places you can go... Like the other forum. Ask somebody like Domewing, Rock, or even Blind Sniper. It's a spoiler-less place to be.
  • We're handling it. We've disabled pictures/links/etc as one measure, and are also blacklisting potential posts with spoilers that require our approval. That being said, it may be wise to lay low.
  • Where's the 'other forum?'
This discussion has been closed.