Is it safe?

Apparently yesterday the entirety of episode four was leaked (or at least the ending, not entirely sure what's happened)

I'm really sorry if you've already been spoiled, but for those like me who have managed to avoid them, is the forum a place safe from these spoilers for now?

I remember when the choices were leaked, trolls posted them on lots of threads just to be mean and ruin the episode. Is that happening now too? I'm scared to check!

Also, are people actively disussing them at all?

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope my fears are unfounded!


  • I am still unspoiled and I am still coming here.
    Just be careful not to open spoilers for Amid the ruins.
  • Yes I do know about said leaks, but as far as I know there has been no discussion, or I should say very little. The people that were spouting off have been banned I think and the information deleted, so it should be relatively safe. Just be careful which threads you go on.
  • I managed to avoid the video, Now I'm careful about it. Yeah I think It's safe in the forum,
  • Ahm Ahm

    Yes I do know about said leaks, but as far as I know there has been no discussion, or I should say very little. The people that were spoutin

  • edited July 2014
    Hm... Until you play the episode I'm going to say the safety level on these forums is a 6 out of 10 atm.

    It's not that bad just be careful wherever you look and avoid opening links or reading comments that host spoilers.

    I'm unspoiled except for the trailer, achievement leaks, images released by TT, and a theory that has to do with the recent ending video leak (I didn't watch it though). These spoilers don't spoil too much except for the achievements (but that's fine by me) and the theory related to the ending video leak (which I'd rather not know).

    Also if you're this scared, get off the forums until you play the game.
  • The video has got tons of view so youtube is not safe.
  • It was on my recommend list and I saw the title.


    The video has got tons of view so youtube is not safe.

  • It isnt safe. Don't go on youtube at all i'm not even kidding. i saw a theory on there that spoiled the entire episode (the leaked scenes and the choices) so now i now basically everything that happens in the epsiode and i am so pissed off. Don't go on youtube, or if you do log out and dont look at any walking dead content.
  • I just would be careful seraching for anything related to the episode online. Sadly I was spoiled :(
  • edited July 2014
    Well, now I know why pics and vids were suspended... This is why I've been avoiding the forums the past few days DAMN YOU SWEET TEMPTATION!

    So I'll just say, go to youtube and type in "Is it Safe Marathon Man" for my random culture reference.
  • Leave these forums and social media until you complete the episode tomorrow.
  • I sadly watched all 3 videos. Just don't search Amid The Ruins on Youtube, it is the first result, for me anyway.
  • I can't believe someone would actually spoil that Lee comes back in the new episode as a half man/half unicorn, and rides off into the sunset with Kenny. RUDE!
  • As Omid says, just trying to lighten the mood...
    nursethalia posted: »

    I can't believe someone would actually spoil that Lee comes back in the new episode as a half man/half unicorn, and rides off into the sunset with Kenny. RUDE!

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