What about Linux?

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
Hi there,

I'm glad to hear that you continue developing a new Sam & Max Game. So I have a new "must have" on my list. ;)

But do you have any plans to also develop a Linux binary? I think lot of people will be happy to play a game like this on the penguin OS. Are there any plans?


  • edited December 2005
    I too would like a port to Linux. If more games get made for Linux I can finally get rid of my windows partition. Though if for whatever reason production of a Linx version is not possible I am sure someone out there would be more than happy to port or patch the retail releases if telltale offers up the information that they need.
  • edited December 2005
    What would be cool would be for Telltale to use an existing cross-platform engine such as Crystal Space or similar, modifying it as necessary to meet their needs. This has the benefit of improving what already looks to be a good product and helping the community in general, at the same time as either reducing development times for their own in house engine, or licensing costs for getting a third part engine in.

    Although C.S is LGPL, and could be linked to with proprietary code, it would be an impressive step for them to release the entire engine under a GPL-style license, and simple charge for content. Given that their serial release scheme seems to involve making money primarily from the content itself, this might not be such a major step.

    And we'd be able to have a Linux/Windows/Mac version much more easily.
  • edited December 2005
    One slight problem there: The in-house engine is already finished and pumping out products.
  • edited December 2005
    I guess it depends if they intend to never release for anything other than Windows, and how much they plan to modify their existing engine for SnM. Screenshots I've seen for bone and texas holdem were... less than impressive.
  • edited December 2005
    You could download the demos and see them in motion.
  • edited December 2005
    They don't run in Linux :-)

    Actually, I've just booted into Windows to play another game, so I might just do that. I also read on a game developer forum someplace that they are improving the engine for SnM. The cross portability issue remains however, but if they've put 7 months of effort into developing their own engine, I can't see their adopting something else at this stage.
  • edited December 2005
    Would be nice, if it was feasable. Would probably make the most sense to get a simultaneous mac/linux port Would need an opengl renderer.

    Doesn't even run in wine currently. At least, i couldn't get it to run in wine.

    I don't think wind river has a linux version, but maybe that wouldn't matter.
  • edited December 2005
    Do you peeps think the market is big enough to make some profit off recoding the game for Linux? After all, the vast majority still uses Windows, so that's what companies target.
  • edited January 2006
    I'm sure Cadega would do it evetually.
  • edited October 2006
    Yes I think Linux users will add to the bottom line. Most geeks who know about these games are most likely familiar with Linux too. I would say enough that many would get rid of their windows partition for good! ID / Quake/Doom games run on Linux. So does Unreal. These two engines are among the most popular 3d first shooter engines and they use OpenGL. I think supporting a limited minded OS like MS is the same as if Telltale
    only wanted to produce Star War games for Lucas Arts!
  • edited October 2006
    mikeossur wrote: »
    I think supporting a limited minded OS like MS is the same as if Telltale only wanted to produce Star War games for Lucas Arts!

    Lol... In thats its not the same at all? :cool:
  • edited November 2006
    Ferret wrote: »
    I'm sure Cedega would do it evetually.
    I'd rather see a native binary than having to run the game through Cedega. Maybe Telltale could get in touch with Ryan C. Gordon (a.k.a. Icculus) and have it ported? He did the Linux ports for id software (Q3, Q4, ...), Epic Games (UT 200x) and many others.
  • edited November 2006
    Interesting thread... I'd much rather play this on the GNU/Linux OS since that's what I use at home and work on most machines.
  • edited November 2006
    I'm absolutely pro a Linux port. I run Linux(Gentoo) on all my PC's and the only reason i boot in Windows is for games and music production.
  • edited November 2006
    The game currently ALMOST works on Wine.

    There are two problems left to be solved in Wine for it to work well.

    1. The frequent crashes.
    2. The annoying static sounds you get from time to time, like during the intro.

    You can find more information about running Sam & Max in Wine here.

    Good luck, and thank you for a great game. :)
  • edited November 2006
    Rulzern wrote: »
    The game currently ALMOST works on Wine.

    There are two problems left to be solved in Wine for it to work well.

    1. The frequent crashes.
    2. The annoying static sounds you get from time to time, like during the intro.

    You can find more information about running Sam & Max in Wine here.

    Good luck, and thank you for a great game. :)

    Cool! I tried it under both Wine and Cedega a while ago, but never got it to work, but it seems they are making great progress then.
  • edited December 2010
    Independent game sales from Linux and Apple almost equal Windows sales.

    Are you telling me that market has no value?

  • edited December 2010
    mikeossur wrote: »
    Independent game sales from Linux and Apple almost equal Windows sales.

    Are you telling me that market has no value?


    But TellTale DO do Mac Games now ;)
  • edited December 2010
    who uses a linux
  • edited December 2010
    You must work for their marketing and sales department. Lol
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