A Change I Want to See ______ Go Through in Episode 5
I don't want to make it seem like I'm bashing the new Episode; I really, REALLY liked it. But I feel like Telltale's been dancing around a certain change that I want Clementine to go through;
Countless people have died to keep Clementine alive throughout S1. We can have Clementine kill the Stranger in S1E5. Clementine kills a man in S2E1. We can have Clementine kill a dog in S2E1. We can have Clem convince Walter to kill Nick in S2E2. We can have Clementine get wreckless and have Alvin killed in S2E2. We can have Clementine watch a man be brutally murdered in S2E2. We can have Clementine indirectly kill Sarita, and be verbally DEMOLISHED by Kenny in S2E4. We can have Clementine kill Rebecca in S2E4.
That being said, why isn't Clementine acting very cold? She still winces at the sight of gore. She's always got a frown on her face when someone's in pain or dying. She seems to REALLY care about the group. Shouldn't we be seeing her grow a little selfish and uncaring as a result of our actions?
Maybe this is something Telltale's saving for the last episode, but I hope that they show it eventually. Clementine's been acting a little hardened, but she could be acting worse, and I think that she should be. Thoughts?
That needs to happen, I mean the group does depend on her for a lot of things.. I would think by now she'd have a little more attitude to her.
just cause someone's seen bad shit and becomes kinda immune to all the gore and sadness doesn't mean they have to become a cold hearted killer or thief :P
But she IS a thief in my playthrough. She stole from Arvo. That's exactly what I'm doing from her perspective, so I should see a change for my actions. I've had Clem selfishly kill Sarah for her own good. I've had her watch a man be brutally murdered to satisfy her own vengeful fantasies/curiousity. It may not make sense for your Clementine to become colder, but what about mine?
I did make her steal in my playthrough as well.. I also wanted Jane to kill Arvo too, but that didn't happen. However, I did save Sarah the first time!
I guess you do have a point, but choices really don't make a difference in the end clem will probably end up the same way for everyone by the end of the season.
I'm hoping Telltale tries to change her a little more, but you might be right. It's pretty typical of them. They did a pretty good job on trying to branch out The Wolf Among Us' ending, though, so I hope that they try to do the same with this one.
That's a fair amount of downvotes. What's there to disagree with? I get that a lot of you don't want Clementine to act cold, but it'd be a reasonable counsequence to the immoral actions a lot of us have made. Would you rather that Telltale's games continue to have no real consequences for our actions?
Yeah, Clem needs more development. I think they're starting to build up to it with a few of the decisions in this episode (if you stole from Arvo, Luke and even Kenny were shocked, and if you left Sarah to die in the trailer, Luke was surprised and upset you didn't try harder), as well as deciding to watch Carver die or not. After all, "They will remember that" should have some significance if it's all of them remembering. I loved what they set up with Carver saying Clem is like him, and I want to see her struggle with decisions that, if she makes a certain decision will lead her to becoming just like Carver. I want to see her realize what she's becoming, and struggle against it. I want the feels!!!
Also, I'm really not sure how TTG can do all that development in one more episode. But then again, a lot of the characters at the end might have died, and if there's only a couple left with Clem, there'll be more of a spotlight on her hopefully....Not that I want characters to die, but I want more Clem too.
Telltale seems to have that problem. Even in TWAU's amazing finale, a lot of questions went unanswered. They're probably going to leave some stuff out of TWD's finale too.
yeah but they probably wanted to do that for a season 2
How she does not have insane nightmares, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and more beats me. Just think of all the stuff she has seen and all the burdens on her back. She has to have some sort of PTSD
well she was born in the world before the ZA, and who knows who her parent taught her about humanity and morals and shit and there was lee so she just wants to do what lee did and be strong. and again some people are born very tough a lot of shit would need to happen to them to break them, yes even though shes a lil kid still but she knows how the world is now. and also cmon the dog killing was mercy if you didn't kill it that shit is pretty cold
I'm not saying Clementine should be "broken", but she should be desensitized by now. Slitting a dog's throat is merciful, sure, but it'll harden someone. Add that on top of all of the OTHER things that Clem has potentially done, and the sight of gore should hardly phase her by now.
She probably does have nightmares. I'm suprised that Telltale hasn't shown us one yet.
I mean shes still a kid, and hell I don't think anyone no matter how cold they get they'll still cringe when they see that shit Kenny did. unless your a serial killer, but still I mean she still has, how can I put it???, conflict...?? of still trying to fully figure out how to live how to behave, I mean she was still learning about the world before now she needs too know how the world is so I think itll take a lil, maybe, more to her to become colder and not cringe.
Clementine isn't a regular kid. Most kids are innocent and clueless in regards to how cruel the world can be; Clem has seen WAY more cruelty than I suspect any of us ever will.
yes that's why. but shes still a kid so ofcourse she will still cringe about fucked shit. shes not lizzie
If TWAU is any indication, they might indeed have something in the finale that is kind of an aggregate of your decisions and determines who your Clementine has become. I think Clementine's development should've been focused on and better implemented gradually throughout the season though, it's kind of cheap to only have it really matter in the last episode. Would've been nice to have something like Lily/Kenny where characters' reactions differ strongly based on the type of Clem you're playing and specific decisions you've made.