This was absolutely the best episode so far. Shit its my new favorite right up there with ep. 2 and ep.4 from season 1. I mean i thought i'd be sad but i more so just blown away with how good it was. From start to finish not a dull moment. Jane was great this episode she really shined. I loved Kenny a lot as well stepping up a bit more and that baby is gonna help him lots. Clem great as always, Luke was good too.

Four major characters deaths not bad telltale not bad at all. I was really broken up about Sarah though wow that hurt. I thought I'd saved her when I got her out of the trailer park but Jane was right. She was gone. Nick was already too long so his death was fine. I mean Sarah just got devoured really morbid shit. Yea season 2 is only gonna better the season finale will amazing. I knew stealing from Arvo would backfire but I really didn't care honestly. Oh and how did you play this episode? I did whatever it took to make sure everyone and myself lived. I slapped Sarah but it was worth it. kinda. Oh Rebecca turning at the very last second very nice telltale really loved that. I shot her.

Oh and can we please keep Mike we need comic relief every so often.

Yea that's it. woo I'm still kinda pumped.


  • Eh, I think it's too early to judge. I thought it was a great episode, but I'd rather let everything sink in for a few days before judging it because doesn't every episode feel like the best episode directly after playing it?

  • no i didn't episode 3 afterwards.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I think it's too early to judge. I thought it was a great episode, but I'd rather let everything sink in for a few days before judging it because doesn't every episode feel like the best episode directly after playing it?

  • I'm pumped too, I agree it was the best episode so far for me. I left Sarah and I think I said I'll miss you or something, that was pretty hard. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be in Clementine's shoes. I also knew as soon I as took the stuff from Arvo it was a bad mistake. I was hoping Jane was going to kill him that way we wouldn't have to worry about him. I also shot Rebecca. So much stuff happened in this episode, amazing.

  • What happens if you dont take Arvo's stuff? Guess they'r gonna rob you no?

    I'm pumped too, I agree it was the best episode so far for me. I left Sarah and I think I said I'll miss you or something, that was pretty h

  • Yea I had to save Sarah. I know slapping her after what happened at Carver's might not have been great but I had to do it.

    I'm pumped too, I agree it was the best episode so far for me. I left Sarah and I think I said I'll miss you or something, that was pretty h

  • I'm sure someone here knows

    ViTALiTY posted: »

    What happens if you dont take Arvo's stuff? Guess they'r gonna rob you no?

  • This episode was by no means great. Sure, it was better than Episode 1 and 3, but no way was it better than Episode 2.

    Episode 2 was magnificent, and it's the only good episode of the season. The first half of this episode was GREAT. The development with Jane was amazing, and the Sarah choice, and fuck, everything in the first half. Mike and Bonnie at the museum, Jane and the Arvo kid, but the second half really fucked it up. Nick's death was fucking disappointing as shit. I promised Pete in Episode 2 that I'd keep him safe, or at least try to.

    Nick's send off was horrible in the two ways it could have happened. HORRIBLE. The choice telling Walter if Nick is a good man or what, was just a great choice. Nick was a really good guy, and a good friend. Sure, have him not say anything in Episode 3, and have him turn into a walker IN THE FIRST 15 MINUTES. Lazy Telltale, just lazy.

    The Wolf Among Us is clearly the better game here, but this is merely my opinion.

    Rebecca's death was fucking stupid. And the cliffhanger was bullshit. Yup, I don't know.... Season 3 doesn't look likely for me if they are going down this path.

  • edited July 2014

    Well, this episode really reminded me of the way I felt when I played the first season, and that's a good thing. I'm fairly certain I haven't felt this way with the other episodes.

    I'm gonna have to play it again before I can give a more detailed explanation. It's not better than the second episode, but it's a million times better than the third one.

  • i agree Episode 2 was the best

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    This episode was by no means great. Sure, it was better than Episode 1 and 3, but no way was it better than Episode 2. Episode 2 was magn

  • I believe they ask you where Jane is because she took his gun or something.

    ViTALiTY posted: »

    What happens if you dont take Arvo's stuff? Guess they'r gonna rob you no?

  • i didnt know you could slap her LOL

    Yea I had to save Sarah. I know slapping her after what happened at Carver's might not have been great but I had to do it.

  • No not really, I'm not one that needs to let things "Sink in" I loved the episode. And I didn't like Episode 3 even after finishing it. First thing I did was check what other people thought of it and I have to admit, I'm really surprised people didn't like this one. It felt like it really was satisfying everyone's needs this time around. Well, aside from the banner being complete b/s.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Eh, I think it's too early to judge. I thought it was a great episode, but I'd rather let everything sink in for a few days before judging it because doesn't every episode feel like the best episode directly after playing it?

  • Yea with Nick I guess they were looking for ways to kill him. It was weak sure but kinda expected.

    I liked Rebecca's death it was confusing though I didn't understand why they did it but I was cool with it.
    I haven't played the TWOU so it might be better I don't know.
    Thanks for commenting.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    This episode was by no means great. Sure, it was better than Episode 1 and 3, but no way was it better than Episode 2. Episode 2 was magn

  • I liked more than Episode 3, I'll give it that.

  • He still accuses you of robbing him. You can say that it was Jane and she's not around anymore, or that she's near. But either way, it's the same sort of thing. They still want to rob you in the end.

    ViTALiTY posted: »

    What happens if you dont take Arvo's stuff? Guess they'r gonna rob you no?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Nick's death was the only thing that I was angry at, the least they could have done to send him off was to find him half alive and dying, instead of finding his groaning zombie. Could have been a touching send off.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    This episode was by no means great. Sure, it was better than Episode 1 and 3, but no way was it better than Episode 2. Episode 2 was magn

  • I haven't played episode 2 since may. so I can't speak on it.

    Well, this episode really reminded me of the way I felt when I played the first season, and that's a good thing. I'm fairly certain I haven'

  • Yea it was weak.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nick's death was the only thing that I was angry at, the least they could have done to send him off was to find him half alive and dying, instead of finding his groaning zombie. Could have been a touching send off.

  • THAT'S what makes you think a Season 3 won't happen? You're not the entire audience, if you haven't noticed... a majority of the users here loved the episode. Plus, I was annoyed with Nick's death but to be honest, I was surprised he even lasted through episode 3. And is it really that hard to believe he would die out there? I did see him get shot in the shoulder.

    Plus, Rebecca's death was far from stupid. I thought it was a great twist and it actually worked. And if you didn't like that cliffhanger, I don't think anything would really satisfy you. You're just being overly cynical.

    And a Season 3 is still very likely going to happen, it's still getting well received (though not to the same acclaim the first season had) and as someone who was actually around before Telltale became ridiculously popular I can say that it's very, VERY likely we'll get a third season. Especially with how much people talk about them.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    This episode was by no means great. Sure, it was better than Episode 1 and 3, but no way was it better than Episode 2. Episode 2 was magn

  • Way better than all the other episodes so far.

  • Yea I felt like it was really well done. I think it gave everyone what they've been asking for.

    They only it could be bad is if the characters or story was lacking in development which I didn't think they were but I was so in the moment I couldn't tell you.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    THAT'S what makes you think a Season 3 won't happen? You're not the entire audience, if you haven't noticed... a majority of the users here

  • 1,2 and 4 are best ones so far

    JonGon posted: »

    Way better than all the other episodes so far.

  • why not bump it?

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