sam and max season 3 release

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max
I'm sure this has been asked before but i'm curious as to when your aiming to release the 3rd season of sam and max.

Is it still coming out this year? is it going to be right at the end of the year as a guess?


  • edited January 2009
    they don't know yet, how many threads can we get asking the same question
  • edited January 2009
    Nothing has been revealed yet i think, but hopefully in a month or 2 we will see the first Episode :D really need more Sam & Max, and ofc i cant wait and see what they have learned and adapted to make Season 3 even better, more crazy and funny :)
  • edited January 2009
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Nothing has been revealed yet i think, but hopefully in a month or 2 we will see the first Episode :D really need more Sam & Max, and ofc i cant wait and see what they have learned and adapted to make Season 3 even better, more crazy and funny :)

    doubt it considering the havent even released a date let alone a trailer. Wouldn't mind if we were informed alot more about it and what's going on.

    Does get me worried about the future of sam and max. :(
  • edited January 2009
    Yes it has! It's been revealed that it will be after feb. before it's released (originally TTG said Feb 2009, but they retracted that recently)) And it's been said it will be before Xmas... so 301 will be released, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, or Nov. Not that that's a hellova lot of help...
  • edited January 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    Yes it has! It's been revealed that it will be after feb. before it's released (originally TTG said Feb 2009, but they retracted that recently)) And it's been said it will be before Xmas... so 301 will be released, March, April, May, June, July, August, Sept, Oct, or Nov. Not that that's a hellova lot of help...

    true but i doubt it will be out for a while still, it is like theres a teaser trailer out so i doubt it will out till at least october.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    We have no news about Sam & Max Season Three right now. When we do have news, we'll share it.

    Also please remember that any release timeframe that you see mentioned in this thread or elsewhere on the forums is pure speculation. ;)
  • edited January 2009
    Thank you. Cos I really need my Sam & Max fix. Any chance Mack Salmon could be in Season 3?
  • edited January 2009
    Thank you. Cos I really need my Sam & Max fix. Any chance Mack Salmon could be in Season 3?

    I hope so! He's my favorite villain!
    Maybe Larvo could be there too. She got away that one time, and they haven't wrapped that case up yet...
  • edited January 2009
    give me,give me,give me,give me,give me,give me,give me sam and max!!!!!!!!

    Handball world cup 2009 everybody's standing in the line.
  • edited January 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    We have no news about Sam & Max Season Three right now. When we do have news, we'll share it.

    Also please remember that any release timeframe that you see mentioned in this thread or elsewhere on the forums is pure speculation. ;)

    I'm sorry but i have to mention this Emily.

    When people are watching programs on TV, Season 2-3-4-5-6-7 usually follows the same time-frame. This whole situation kinda break down the core concept of episodic content.

    Anyways, just saying but still i understand how you guys probably think that holding info back would improve the sales of SBCG4AP. That's how business works.

    In any case, my little finger tells me, that we are going to hear this week about either Sam and Max OR Wallace and Gromit's being released soon, and that it would be followed by, at a later time, the other series. I figured that we'd get info after the 2008 awards to kick off 2009 :)

    As much as i like Sam and Max, i have a feeling that Wallace and Gromit will come first. And for the record, i'm interested in the concept:) But i really wish that there was a constence in the release dates. The thing is, i am worried that Season 2 might not have enjoyed the same success as season 1, and that you guys have decided to 'widen' the gaps between seasons.

    Anyways, i love you guys still. But please, don't break my heart.:(

    PS: Fun facts, TellTaleGames is part of my favorite 3 pc gaming company's along with Valve and Blizzard.
  • edited January 2009
    PatsDark wrote: »
    As much as i like Sam and Max, i have a feeling that Wallace and Gromit will come first. And for the record, i'm interested in the concept:) But i really wish that there was a constence in the release dates. The thing is, i am worried that Season 2 might not have enjoyed the same success as season 1, and that you guys have decided to 'widen' the gaps between seasons.

    your not the first to pose this idea, TTG has conveniantly not commented on it, making us all suspicious. some (several, but not all) of us are even worried S3 will wrap up the series...

    oh and @ Emily:
    not pure speculation, you yourself withdrew the Feb 2009 remark, meaning it will be March or later, and Jake commented something to the tune of "it wont be that long" when I said Dec, so that says 301 will be released sometime between March and November.
  • edited January 2009
    Ashton wrote: »
    your not the first to pose this idea, TTG has conveniantly not commented on it, making us all suspicious. some (several, but not all) of us are even worried S3 will wrap up the series...

    oh and @ Emily:
    not pure speculation, you yourself withdrew the Feb 2009 remark, meaning it will be March or later, and Jake commented something to the tune of "it wont be that long" when I said Dec, so that says 301 will be released sometime between March and November.

    Season 3 wrapping up the series? OMG... i hope not. Well, in the end, it all comes down to how the 3rd season will do. If it does better than 1 and 2, we will get season 4 for sure. If season 1 did better than the 2nd like we think, and season 3 does better than season 2, it will probably mean we get season 4 but at a later timespan because they'd conclude that they need to space the episodes. Of course if it fails in comparison to both seasons, it will probably be all over and they'll look at something else. This is merelly speculations on my part, i don't work there or anything, but from what i can gather this is what i think will happen.
  • langleylangley Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    PatsDark wrote: »
    When people are watching programs on TV, Season 2-3-4-5-6-7 usually follows the same time-frame. This whole situation kinda break down the core concept of episodic content.

    Depends on your basis of comparison. For shows on HBO like The Sopranos, Six Feed Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, or Flight of the Concords, the season will starts on different months, sometimes more than a year apart. The same is true if you look at other networks... like FX with Nip/Tuck and its other shows, or the BBC with The Office.

    Hmm, apparently I watch more TV than I thought I did.
  • edited January 2009
    Oh. Actually i was basing my assumptions about TV programming in Quebec where i live. Had no idea it was not like that everywhere.

    In any case it's all good. I guess, i just need to be re-assured that the serie isn't dead, because, quite frankly, i need these games as part as my yearly routine. There was a void between the great Lucasart era and TellTale's arrival. And now, i don't want to see no void no more:)
  • edited January 2009
    Well the smaller gap between season 1 and 2 of Sam & Max was mainly there because it was our only project at the time and I guess it spoiled some people. Once season 1 wrapped we went right into planning/design for season 2. However once season 2 was done we actually had other stuff to work on; Strong Bad and Wallace & Gromit. We're still a pretty small company, even though we've grown a ton in the last year, and keeping episodic games on schedule is no easy task, but so far we've kept our monthly schedule with three seasons and we don't plan on changing that.

    Either way we don't have anything we can share about season 3 of Sam & Max right now, so you guys will just have to sit tight. I know it's kind of a lame answer, but we really just don't have anything we can share right now. You guys are always the first to know when we've got news and I can promise you when we have some info on season 3 we'll be sure to share it.
  • edited January 2009
    Not even a little info, pretty please.
  • edited January 2009
    Not even a little info, pretty please.

    its cancelled they are going straight to season 4
  • edited January 2009
    patters wrote: »
    its cancelled they are going straight to season 4

    LOL, oh, they are pulling a Leisure Suit Larry on us then?:P

    Ok, seriously thanks for replying guys, and especially mikew, that brings things into perspective and i guess i was right saying we'd have Wallace before season 3 of Sam and Max :p It's all good. I can wait a few more ... :confused: ... :eek: ... *faints*
  • edited January 2009
    Im sorry for what I'm about to do, but I can't help myself.
    langley wrote: »
    Depends on your basis of comparison. For shows on HBO like The Sopranos, Six Feed Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, or Flight of the Concords, the season will starts on different months, sometimes more than a year apart. The same is true if you look at other networks... like FX with Nip/Tuck and its other shows, or the BBC with The Office.

    Hmm, apparently I watch more TV than I thought I did.
    Grammatical e--*shot*
  • langleylangley Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2009
    Im sorry for what I'm about to do, but I can't help myself.

    Grammatical e--*shot*

    Back at ya! I'M sorry. :)
  • edited January 2009
    langley wrote: »
    Back at ya! I'M sorry. :)
    YOU DARE BRING ERRORS TO MY LAIR?! YOU MUST DIE!! *Writes Langley in Death Note*
  • You guys should put the option to go around the whole building even the sub basement of solitude
  • edited February 2009
    I can not wait for Season 3, hopefully to be launched this year!
  • edited February 2009
    *cries* still no season 3
  • edited February 2009
    I sware, reading this and past S3 threads, I think some of you people are severly addicted to S+M... TTG, you better be careful or guys are gonna be busted for selling e-crack! ;) lol
  • edited February 2009
    Saaaaaaaaaam and Maaaaaaaaaax, i need Saaaaaaaam and Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax
    *Evil zombie growl*

    Max:Sam That guy is looking at me weirdly. Can i polonaise,colonize and beet the snot out oh him, pretty please!
    Sam:Can think of a reason not to.
  • edited February 2009
    I had not played Sam and Max for over a decade, and when these games came out I was hooked from the first episode. Well done TellTale you took a hard game to top like HTR and made something awesome.
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