Might as well get the elephant in the room out of the way first. Yes, Eddie wasn't in this episode. Sucks. Oh well, back to shit that actually matters.

If I had to compare Fourth episodes with each Season, Amid The Ruins is way, WAY better than Around Every Corner:

  • Better Pacing
  • Better Character Development
  • Better Choices
  • Never Got Bored For Even A Minute

I was hoping that I would like Mika and Jane from Episode Three, and I did. Jane was pretty cool and liked her her backstory reflected on her actions during tense moments. And Mike?

"I'd eat the shit outta that raccoon."

Yeah he's just fuckin' hilarious. He gives off the kind of vibe that you'd get from someone in your circle of pals that you'd point at and go, "Oh yeah. Mike? He's awesome. I'd blaze with him." ...Or maybe that's just me...?

I think what really made this episode memorable was that, like The Wolf Among Us, gives you choices that really make you question whether or not they can be justified. I'm still regretting the fact that I stole the pills from Arvo, and...for some reason, I didn't shoot Rebecca when she turned.

Oh yeah and that ending. The season finale can NOT come ay sooner. I don't know who's gonna survive or who's gonna die and this wait is gonna be worse than waiting for fucking Christmas.

Overall, pretty fucking solid episode. I don't know if I like this one or A House Divided more, but I guess having trouble deciding which is better just shows that Telltale Games can still do it.


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