Nerissa is love, Nerissa is life.
Anyone else amazed by her ? Amazing character - beautiful, smart, willing to help. I could go on and on. I wanted Bigby ending up with her so badly, despite all that "He's with Snow" crap. It's 20 years until comics, people! And Nerissa is just perfect.
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I agree completely
Whatever happenns Nerissa Will always be the best in their Community. And the ending scene with Bigby and Nerissa Was Just Fabulous
me too
Not to mention dat ASS at the end. My god!
Nerissa was my favorite female character during the game. I really hope we see her again in a DLC or S2.
I ship it!
Nerissa, you deserve the finest cuisines available at any of New York's top 5-star restaurants. Heck, you even deserve a big piece of chocolate cake made by Bufkin 'le Chef!
Who doesn't ?!
And the scene at Ep. 2... My god, she's perfect in every way.
Nerissa has to be blessed with a posterior that just won't quit. Truly, she is the fairest of all maidens of the deep blue sea.
Her beautiful cheeks deserve recognition in the whole world.
Nerissa is a lying whore...
lol, Bigby is obsessed with Snow. That's just the way it is. I love how disrespectful non-comic readers are to the source material. Without which you wouldn't even have this game.
It hurts, but i do it for Nerissa
First of all... screw you for calling Nerissa a lying whore.
Second of all... I'm a fan of the comics and I still think they could do something with Bigby and Nerissa.
Oh really? Just because you played The Wolf Among Us doesn't mean you love Fables, and if you were a fan of the comics, you would know Bigby and Snow are perfect.
Maybe people have read comics and they didn't like it. You know, there's such thing as a personal opinion.
Fishlips is a meh.
I have no problem with her lips, if that's what you mean. The way she smiles is simply beautiful.
Nerissa was FANTASTIC!
BTW, am I the only one who hoped that Telltale would at least make Nerissa kiss Bigby in that scene?
I was really hoping for it, and it's not like it would contradict the canon - I mean, she would still go away and Bigby would probably brush it off seconds later. It was really fitting, it's a pity TT didn't go with it...
If she would have kissed him, there wouldn't even be a choice for us whether Bigby will go after her
I really hope we will see more of her in the 2nd season.
Nerissa has been my favourite character since Episode 3. She's one of the few genuinly nice people in Fabletown, tried to help us whenever possible and I was also hoping for a romantic moment at the end. Glad she didn't die this episode and her friends' deaths were avenged.
I read the title and didn't know if I was gonna read something similar to the Shrek video...but yeah Nerissa is amazing!
Nevertheless, I couldn't find more fitting title
Well anyone who's seen that video would most likely be intrigued by the title and click on the topic. Good job for getting my attention haha, titles are everything.
Sir, you are most certainly not the only one who hoped that little scene to happen. I was really hoping Telltale would add this little noir element to the story alongside the others:).
Oh, well....
As outrageous as that sounds, I agree completely.
You got a hard on for a computer animated character? Because that's all she is, she's not life or love. You're over exaggerating, and you need to calm down, seriously. The only time i loved her is when she was topless in episode 2.
How about you calm down instead? Armis most likely made this thread for fun, no need to take it seriously.
He just said he was amazed by Nerissa, not in love with her. He then proceeded to name all her qualities and her personality, I don't see any need for him to calm down.
God damn dude, you make it sound not the way it was supposed to
I liked Nerissa a lot, but am I the only one who misses Faith?
Damn it's true the characters are very well done...Nerissa's absolutely gorgeous and cute !
Yeah, all characters are created very nicely.
Her, Holly, Snow, Vivian, and Faith - all of them have perfect bodies, they must have a nice workout plan going.
To be honest, I didn't really see them as a couple myself. I mean, it could be the comics that stopped me from seeing a possible pair, but even when just pretending like the game isn't canon, I still don't exactly see it. Idk. I like the comic version of Snow and Bigby better than the game version, and the people seem to be more of a hassle to deal with for Bigby than in the comics. I did for a second think that Bigby and Faith would be cute, but now we know that Faith he met wasn't truly Faith, so it never would have happened.
She should come to "A Taste of the Homelands!" I hear that place is to die for xD
That actually would make sense. I like it, even though Bigby loves Snow. She could have kissed him and said, " YOu're not as bad as they say you are," and then walked away :333 I still don't ship them but I do like a bit of romance now and again