Glenn,Christa,Molly,Lily+400 Days characters.

So what do you guys think Happened to Glenn,Christa,Molly,Lilly,and even Hersehl. Along with the 400 days characters? Do you guys think we'll ever find them again? or no?.


  • Glenn and Hershel's fates are sealed in the comics.

  • we probably won't see any of them except molly and lilly but even then we probably won't see them till next season, glenn and hershel both have there stories continued in the comics.

  • At this point in the timeline Glenn already got his skull smashed in.

  • No, these characters are long gone and fate will forever be unknown.

  • I doubt we'll see lily, molly or glenn. Christa will come back though, she must,

  • glenn Hershel are sealed pretty much. they are dead in the comics

  • The fates of Glenn and Hershel are answered in the comics. The 400 days characters that went with Tavia minus Bonnie are most likely dead (though they could have possibly escaped). Christa most likely joined another group hopefully with Eddie (crossing my fingers we see them again).
    Lilly and Molly I'm not really sure what to think. I believe the only ones that we may see again are Christa, Eddie and Nate. It would interesting to see Lily again but that would be highly unlikely.

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