How about Cold Shadow? I believe that was a Disney game. It was one of my brother's favorites. I think I still have it somewhere.
It's got ninja ducks and stuff, so it's gotta be Disney. XD
How about Cold Shadow? I believe that was a Disney game. It was one of my brother's favorites. I think I still have it somewhere.
It's got ninja ducks and stuff, so it's gotta be Disney. XD
Yeah, I played Maui Mallard for the SNES, and have it emulated.
Die By the Sword on the PC. Action adventure game by interplay where your mouse movements controlled the sword. it was simply brilliant and innovative.
River city ransom for the NES. Awesome RPG-Beat em up game where you could go to restaurants and order foods that had an effect on your stats. Awesome memories.
Bioforge. Pc. By Origin. Another alone in the dark type game that rocked hard.
I think I've got one that may have yet to be discussed. I played Sierra's "Phantasmagoria" a long time ago. Horror genre w/live action/motion captured sequences. Spooky game. You can check out details for this one at : There was a sequel to it that I never played. The sequel was call "Phantasmagoria 2 : Puzzles of the Flesh", if memory serves me correctly.
Die By the Sword on the PC. Action adventure game by interplay where your mouse movements controlled the sword. it was simply brilliant and innovative.
Love DBTS. Not so much the main game, but the Arena mode was a blast.
I think I've got one that may have yet to be discussed. I played Sierra's "Phantasmagoria" a long time ago. Horror genre w/live action/motion captured sequences. Spooky game. You can check out details for this one at : There was a sequel to it that I never played. The sequel was call "Phantasmagoria 2 : Puzzles of the Flesh", if memory serves me correctly.
Great stuff. Seven CDs of cheesy awesomeness. The sequel was great, too, but I never finished it due to a bug that made it impossible to continue after a certain point.
lol Phantasmagoria 2 was awesome i finished this game it was probably one of the only FMV games i enjoyed besides.... Mmmm.. Braindead 13? That game was funny as all hell too :P
And yes DBTS arena was funny. I played it via modem back in the days with one of my friends and it's an awesome game especially when you select the ogre and your friend is a human. Good times indeed:)
And one more, real obscure PC horror game: Harvester. It had elements soo gruesome that the game was banned in several country if i recall correctly. It was still a very nice adventure game with some disturbing subject matters.
^ Harvester always cracked me up. I've seen the "gruesome" scenes on the 'net, and they're really no worse than the stuff in Phantasmagoria. There is an incident involving an infant, though, so that may have been the source of the controversy.
Wow ShaggE, i didn't know someone else in the world played that game. lol.
You know i wrote to the company that made it once to ask a question about something in the game, and the guy's at the studio replyed with a quote from the company's boss saying ' Wow, we have an harvester fan?' Sweet memories.
Did you get into 'Mother's' room? Harvester was wayyy more disturbing than Phantasmagoria. Phantasmagoria was gory, Harvester was psychologically disturbing.
I didn't play it, but I saw the cutscenes and I know the general storyline. I always thought it was too cheesy to be disturbing. Then again, I'm obsessed with all things horror, so it takes quite a bit to shake me.
I didn't play it, but I saw the cutscenes and I know the general storyline. I always thought it was too cheesy to be disturbing. Then again, I'm obsessed with all things horror, so it takes quite a bit to shake me.
Oh i wasn't Shaken, but still, disturbing stuff. And it wasn't about the FMV's. It was about what some of the caracters were saying when you spoke to them. I don't think i could get away without being banned from these forums actually lol so i can't say
P.S I too am a fan of everything horror, even B rated cheesy stuff i get to like. Speaking of wich, if you own a Wii, check out house of the dead overkill. It's awesome funny stuff ;p
A great, underrated MS-DOS game I'd like to mention is Albion. There's tons of text and tons of unnecessary exploration and there's plenty of things I could have imagined to be done a lot better (like the interface: small, text-only buttons and no quick hotkeys), but the world and story are amazing and the exploration possibilities are vast. Think Morrowind with a little bit more linear progression (but you can usually take as long as you want and explore as much as you want before continuing, with the exception of some timed events like having to prevent a murder in time).
I have been trying to remember the name of this game for (no kidding) almost three years in the hopes that I might find a copy and see if it was as good as I remembered. Thank you! Now to go find it.
Most of the games in this thread aren't at all that unknown.. many of them were quite popular when they released (Syndicate, Hand of Fate (well, the entire Kyrandia series), MDK, Castle of Dr. Brain series, Apogee games (lots of people had the shareware versions), Another World/Out of this World, Hugo series (lots of people had pirated copies of at least one of these), Magic Carpet, Phantasmagoria series (the first one was a huge seller)...
However, I guess many of these games are forgotten these days, and it's quite hard finding really good games that few people know about.
I can't really do that either... there are some games not too many people know these days, but were quite popular back in the day.
One I can mention is - "It Came from the Desert", and the datadisk "Antheads".
For the Amiga.. there was a DOS version of ICFTD, but it was terrible.
I highly recommend checking these games out, they're free to download on the Cinemaware homepage. And an Amiga emulator is easy to set up.
Another, much newer, game is "I have no mouth and I must scream". Again, it's not that obscure, but it's largely been forgotten. It's a pretty strange adventure game, quite gritty and dark. I think it's pretty good.
Wow, I'm actually being reminded of a bunch of great games from my childhood. I used to love the old Dr. Brain and Apogee games. Especially Halloween Harry.
I also like Sacrifice, Eternal Darkness, and Spear of Destiny (Wolfenstein with mutants and the angel of death).
Okay, since someone has posted a link to a free game that rocks; Try out Cave Story, it's an awesome game with an awesome Soundtrack and an awesome plot and- Well, What isn't awesome about it (Except the depressing parts... WHYYY!?) The link which I gave you, which is to say, This link, is a link to the Deluxe package, which includes the game, soundtrack, artwork, papercrafts and a helluvalot more, Seriously, try it out once in your lifetime, you won't be dissapointed.
Hmm, well if you've never used an Amiga before, it can look a bit complicated (even though it really isn't).
Fortunately, WinUAE has quickstart options so you don't need to configure a machine yourself.. just select the A500 in the quickstart menu and point to the kickstart rom file.
Hmm, well if you've never used an Amiga before, it can look a bit complicated (even though it really isn't).
Fortunately, WinUAE has quickstart options so you don't need to configure a machine yourself.. just select the A500 in the quickstart menu and point to the kickstart rom file.
Cave Story is cool (by the way, enhanced Wii version in development!), but I don't get why people would scream WHYY?! over some parts. I mean, sad and unbelievable things happened in the game, but they didn't actually do much to my feelings. And I'm a pretty sensitive person. :-/
It's got ninja ducks and stuff, so it's gotta be Disney. XD
Yeah, I played Maui Mallard for the SNES, and have it emulated.
Die By the Sword on the PC. Action adventure game by interplay where your mouse movements controlled the sword. it was simply brilliant and innovative.
River city ransom for the NES. Awesome RPG-Beat em up game where you could go to restaurants and order foods that had an effect on your stats. Awesome memories.
Bioforge. Pc. By Origin. Another alone in the dark type game that rocked hard.
These ring a bell anyone?:)
I remember when you couldn't throw a stereotypical italian chef without hitting a Click & Play game.
Love DBTS. Not so much the main game, but the Arena mode was a blast.
Great stuff. Seven CDs of cheesy awesomeness.
There is also another PC game but I can't think of the name but it's about a scary house with loads of monsters!
And yes DBTS arena was funny. I played it via modem back in the days with one of my friends and it's an awesome game especially when you select the ogre and your friend is a human. Good times indeed:)
And one more, real obscure PC horror game: Harvester. It had elements soo gruesome that the game was banned in several country if i recall correctly. It was still a very nice adventure game with some disturbing subject matters.
You know i wrote to the company that made it once to ask a question about something in the game, and the guy's at the studio replyed with a quote from the company's boss saying ' Wow, we have an harvester fan?' Sweet memories.
Did you get into 'Mother's' room? Harvester was wayyy more disturbing than Phantasmagoria. Phantasmagoria was gory, Harvester was psychologically disturbing.
The Dr. Brain game? I think that one had the mice from Pinky and the Brain.
I didn't play it, but I saw the cutscenes and I know the general storyline. I always thought it was too cheesy to be disturbing. Then again, I'm obsessed with all things horror, so it takes quite a bit to shake me.
It's a turn based rpg, with extremely underdeveloped graphics. But that's okay, as the story and gameplay is awesome and addicting.
Oh yea, it's made by 1 (one) guy.
As for the stuff written about Beyond Good and Evil, it sold well enogh for a sequal atleast
Oh i wasn't Shaken, but still, disturbing stuff. And it wasn't about the FMV's. It was about what some of the caracters were saying when you spoke to them. I don't think i could get away without being banned from these forums actually lol so i can't say
P.S I too am a fan of everything horror, even B rated cheesy stuff i get to like. Speaking of wich, if you own a Wii, check out house of the dead overkill. It's awesome funny stuff ;p
May have to check it out, then. Perhaps I judged it too early.
I have been trying to remember the name of this game for (no kidding) almost three years in the hopes that I might find a copy and see if it was as good as I remembered. Thank you! Now to go find it.
However, I guess many of these games are forgotten these days, and it's quite hard finding really good games that few people know about.
I can't really do that either... there are some games not too many people know these days, but were quite popular back in the day.
One I can mention is - "It Came from the Desert", and the datadisk "Antheads".
For the Amiga.. there was a DOS version of ICFTD, but it was terrible.
I highly recommend checking these games out, they're free to download on the Cinemaware homepage. And an Amiga emulator is easy to set up.
Another, much newer, game is "I have no mouth and I must scream". Again, it's not that obscure, but it's largely been forgotten. It's a pretty strange adventure game, quite gritty and dark. I think it's pretty good.
I also like Sacrifice, Eternal Darkness, and Spear of Destiny (Wolfenstein with mutants and the angel of death).
Omg... the memories. What's even sadder is that this game wasn't at all a bad game.
I highly recommend "It Came from the Desert", it's free :eek:
The Amiga version is the only good one.
I'll believe you. I am downloading it as we speak and will try it during the afternoon after diner. Thx a lot, i'm pretty bored actually today.
I might actually have more trouble with an Amiga emulator...because I never used AmigaOS, but I have used DOS.
Fortunately, WinUAE has quickstart options so you don't need to configure a machine yourself.. just select the A500 in the quickstart menu and point to the kickstart rom file.
the A500 was ace
Now if only I could find my Trackball...