I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon...

Not like... I mean. Just that I'd be really happy to eat that raccoon.


  • Oh Michael...

  • this was the funniest line in the entire episode!

  • Who wouldn't eat raccoon shit?

  • That and "Rebecca can't wear a Confederate coat!" had me and my sister rolling. Mike, you amazing dork.

  • Lee would love that coat because you know.... Urban?

    damkylan posted: »

    That and "Rebecca can't wear a Confederate coat!" had me and my sister rolling. Mike, you amazing dork.

  • Another awesome line was:

    (If Clem goes with Mike and Bonnie first)

    CLEM: 'Jane taught me an easy way to kill them. Forst destroy their knees, than stab them in the back of their head.'

    MIKE: makes random cocky remark how he always managed fine, kills the first walker with a blow to the head, doesn't manage to kill the second one with first blow, almost gets bit Shit!'

    CLEM: 'You know, the knee is halfway down the leg...'

    MIKE: '...'

  • I let the raccoon escape on purpose.

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