Why are some people here so rude? (ranting time!)
Why can't people be mature and diffuse a situation without being mean. It takes a certain kind of intelligence and a certain kind of patience in a person to be able to do that, and they are nowhere to be seen.
Sure, the forum has it's share of wonderful people, but I've discovered that a significant handful of people here are impatient and rude. But why are they?
Let me just paste something in here that I wrote about people who are mean in general:
Why do people do it? What are they trying to achieve? Power? Strength? Because if that's true, well than that's just tragic, because all they are going gain is a hell of a lot of wasted time.
These people are cowards; they're power hungry. Why else would they pull you down. To make you feel bad? No, that is not their goal. They're believed to be malicious. The sad truth is, they do it to make themselves feel good.
So, how should we feel about these people? Many have leaned towards anger; but in the wrong state of mind, many chose to fight back, causing them to get sucked into what brought them down, only making themselves their own worst enemy. I believe pity is better than anger. You need to see through your enemy's eyes when the knife is between your teeth, because anger is blinding.
Bullies, cowards, they’re far off the path they need to be on to live their lives fully, they’re lost. They see the world in black and red, and it’s impossible for them to see the colors. It's heartbreaking, really, how many people out there feed off of others for their own good, because one day, they're going to realize how they ended up where they are, and they're going to realize that it's not going to be easy to find their way back to where they never were.
But, in the eyes of those who have given chances, they're lost; but in the eyes of those who don’t know, bullies are mean, angry people who like to break people down.
So why pity them? Why give them that?
What do you do when the very earth beneath your feet doesn't feel right. How do you run away from your own shadow?
Ask yourself what a tiger would do if she was cornered.
It’s nearly impossible to turn back to where you have never been.