5 things that disappointed me in episode 4.

don't get me wrong , it was an enjoyable episode and i enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed the previews ones , but here are 5 things that disappointed me in episode 4 , tell me if you agree/disagree with them or feel free to add your own list .

1- Nick death scene : in my opinion this is the weakest scene in the whole series , now i didn't really like Nick but the scene felt like this .. Jane calmly : "meeh its just your friend Nick become a zombie and he somehow died "stuck in a fence" because that is what the story needs , come on you know what to do since you done this few times before in the series" .

2- Molly and Jane : since telltale has introduced many characters in both seasons so its normal that some similarities between 2 characters would happen , but you cant just copy-paste a character in literally everything even the way they say goodbye .. i am talking about Molly in season 1 and Jane in season 2 .

3- i felt useless : unlike the previews episodes in seasons 1 and 2 but in this episode i felt that my decisions are useless when it comes to deaths(Sara,Neck) , ending scene end up the same way whether you shoot or call for help , and of course Avro medicine scene which felt very disappointing that he,his friends will end up attacking you whether you stole his medicine or not .. and by the way the more logical choice in that scene would of been an option to divide the medicine .

4- weak deaths : in this episode the deaths felt weak in my opinion , to be more exact for me it felt like "they are dying just because the story need them to be dead" .

5- ending scene realistically : this is not a negative thing "yet" but if you will imagine the ending scene to happen realistically in such a situation then it will end up with at least half of the people involved being dead at least .. i don't know how will telltale deal with the scene/situation but it will be way unrealistic if this scene end up with just a total couple of deaths .

as i said i enjoyed the episode , but i expect much better from telltale :) .. and i surly think episode 5 will be epic because i trust telltale and their awesome endings :D .


  • edited July 2014

    5 things that were amazing in episode 4

    1 - Jane's character exploration

    Before episode 4 Jane was just some badass chick who was almost trying too hard, but in episode 4 we learned lots about her past. We learn Jane is a sensitive caring lady that wants to best for Clementine but teaches her she needs to be strong and not care to much about the others In her group.

    2 - Rebecca's death

    Maybe it was just me but I was not expecting that to happen, I knew Rebecca was slowly dying but the way it happened was so sad and heart wrenching. For a mom to turn into a walker while holding her newborn baby... I don't even want to think about that. and the choice that came after... wow.

    3 - Hubs

    Finally! though not as good as season 1 the Hubs in the Museum and Observation deck were so nice, we got to talk to Mike, Bonnie, Sarah, Jane and Kenny within the hubs which was a nice change. I miss walking around and looking at artifacts in the museum and other things, I must say it felt very refreshing.

    4- Puzzle

    I do not remember a puzzle this nice in awhile, I'm talking about the distracting walkers. In twd we learn that walkers on the ground aren't worth looking at in puzzles and things like that, they have no use. I thought that until the puzzle in fact it took me 5 minutes too look at the Walker because I was so used to them being pointless. Better than the wind turbine puzzle.

    5 - Equality between character

    Before episode 4 there was character that were kind of there that would always behind Kenny as he took a star role for 2 episodes, Mike for example we learned a lot about and now many of us feel emotionally attached too him just as much as other big characters. a for the first time I really liked Rebecca and Bonnie. Before Rebecca was just a bitch to me and Bonnie was kind of there.

  • I agree with all your points except Molly and Jane being simple copy-paste. I felt that, while they were similar, the subtle differences between the two were interesting. Molly acts like a snarky jerk, while Jane is apathetic and kind of awkward around people. Both are pragmatic, but Molly tries to ignore her humanity and fails, deciding to save Lee and Clem. Jane, however, would have never helped Clem's group if she hadn't been forced into it by circumstance.The contrast with their backstories was also interesting; while Molly tried and failed to save her sister, Jane tried and ultimately willingly gave up on Jaime, which might explain why she's much colder.

    And I actually liked how they directed Jane's goodbye because I saw it as a call back to Molly, music and all. Wish she hadn't left though :(


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