Sarah's real purpose and how I think she should have **** if we saved her

edited July 2014 in The Walking Dead

so as we know even if we save sarah at the trailer park she still dies later so what was the point and what purpose did sarah even serve to the game?

just so you know I'm NOT a sarah hater

Ok so lets be honest here sarah was pretty useless throughout this season most of us expected her to become a hardened survivor after carlos died but I think telltale's real purpose was to use sarah to show that in twd world or any type of apocalypse world there is no time to be a child and in order to survive you have to mature and act like a adult in some way which sarah did not and which also got her killed if you left her but what about the people who didn't leave her? well I think telltale just said fuck it and just killed her off but if they wanted to do that I think they should have had her get killed by one of the Russians at the end on episode 4 or the start of episode 5 imo

this could bring in the factor whether we taught her how to shoot or not instead of having rebecca dying and having clem or kenny shoot her which starts the shootout we should have had sarah start panicking and if we taught her how to shoot she shoots one of the russians but only hits him in the shoulder or something then he shoots and it cuts to black

and if we didn't teach her well i have not really thought about it but I'm sure someone can come up with something

that seems like a better way to die at least she would have died trying to protect the group and our choice from episode 2 comes into factor

what do you guys thing?


  • edited July 2014

    Edit: Sorry, I realized I didn't really respond to the OP. I like your shootout idea. That would've made more sense. I think if she could've spoken, Sarah maybe could've talked to Arvo and his group, maybe pleading with them that they had the baby. I could see her repeating that line again: "Even when I get really mad, I don't understand why people want to hurt anyone." Maybe that would've helped the shootout situation too, seeing a more innocent girl than Clem (who supposedly robbed them) say such a thing in only the way Sarah can.

    I was actually going to start a thread about this < 24 hrs before the new ep was going to be released, but not too many people were on here, and I wanted to stay away bc of spoilers too. Anyway here's the gist of what I wanted to say defending Sarah, with some edits after 204:

    Sarah’s never been given a proper chance to prove herself. Carlos didn’t give her a chance to, and she couldn’t really help right after being smacked to help with the berries much. But she wanted to learn how to use the gun, and even if you didn’t teach her, it sounded like she would teach herself!: “Maybe I can shoot that tree…”

    Now, Clem needs emotional support, and a good place she could've gottten it from was Sarah. It seems with Kenny and Luke forming two extremes of the group, there’s no middle-ground-person for Clem to fall back on to relieve her from the stress of both of these guys that might soon be pulling her in different directions, maybe literally (pizza vs. ice cream). Clem’s just about lost her relationship with Kenny as well as with Luke. She needs a friend. Yes, she’s emotionally mature, but she’s still a kid. It would be helpful for her to have someone who takes things a little more lightly, and no one else in the group has that quality. Right now, Bonnie or Mike may be more help than anyone, though Clem still isn’t that close to them yet. If Sarah was alive, she could’ve been there for Clem.

    But Sarah’s a wreck, right? Well, it’s implied that Sarah lost her mom: Carlos says, “She’s all I have left.” .) It could be that Sarah’s mom died before the ZA, or her parents were just divorced. But either way, it seems she’s dealt with the loss of her mom from her life in a healthy way, probably thanks to Carlos’ loving environment. His overprotection isn’t all bad. Yeah, she falls apart without her dad there. But with him around, with some social support around, she’s ok. If Sarah could’ve gotten some more support in 204, I think she could’ve made it. Because Sarah had been sheltered, she still retains a lot more of her humanity compared to the others. And that’s a rare quality other characters have been forced to give up. Having Sarah’s intact humanity could’ve hopefully helped Clem and the others reel their own back in.

    I think a lot of us forget that Clem is still a child. Hell yeah she’s proven herself just as capable as the adults, but she still has to have a chance to grow emotionally, namely healing emotionally. (Honestly I think everyone in the group needs a breather after all the crud they’ve been dealing with lately—they’ve lost like half of their group in the span of a week and a half.) Clem seems to bottle her emotions a lot, probably due to living with an emotionally-distant Christa. We’ve never seen an 11-year-old Clem grieve really in Season 2. Heck the only time I can recall her crying is in the beginning of Ep 1 after she was bitten by Sam, lost in the woods alone, bleeding and surely about to die. At that time she was alone, she exposed her emotions to no one but herself. But then at the end: “Hey, you okay?” “No.” The reason I think this quote is so powerful is not that we learn Clem isn’t emotionally okay—of course she hasn’t been okay since the ZA began! (Although, this episode seems to be pushing her breaking point more than ever before.) What’s powerful to me is that Clem admits it to someone else (something she’s never done before as a toughened 11-year-old. And that’s the first step of healing emotionally. It’s great that Clem says this, but Luke doesn’t really comfort her, and seems to bottle his emotions like Clem does--he just “keeps on moving,” supposedly never grieving either (unless you count sex, but ugghhh Luke wtf). I think Sarah could’ve possibly helped Clem process her emotions better, assuming Sarah had dealt with the loss of her mom. A good old fashioned talk or cry might be due, especially with Luke and Kenny pulling Clem in two directions.

    My argument can be summarized by a few quotes from the girls:
    Clem: “You can kinda control it sometimes…How much it hurts. It takes practice.” Sarah: “Really? I don’t want to practice that.” This could suggest how Clem bottles her emotions, and Sarah doesn’t agree she’d prefer to deal with it in this way. At first, I thought Sarah meant she wouldn’t want to get hurt over and over to practice this. But, what if Sarah meant she didn’t want to practice bottling the pain and storing it away into oblivion? What if she meant (I doubt she knows this consciously but maybe subconsciously) she realized you can’t just get over pain by trying to clamp down on it; you also have to deal with it and process it eventually? Hopefully it’s the latter. Then Sarah would be secretly deeeep lol.

    But now sadly Sarah is no more, and I honestly worry for Clem’s mental health. ;_; I have a bad feeling Luke/Kenny will blame her for Arvo’s group jumping them, even if she didn’t steal from them. Why did Sarah have to die, why! :(

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