"It looks like oxy..."
So, I mean, we obviously know Arvo is full of shit about his sister (yeah man, your sick baby sister needs all those pills and needles. I totally buy it), and that the Russian mob is apparently drug trafficking (a real thing in zombie world!). But what I had forgotten about, even despite lines like "It's just old scars", was Bonnie's past addiction. I know she has kicked it since then, but let's be honest - what better time to relapse than "group falling apart, zombie apocalypse"?
There's almost zero chance it doesn't come into play in episode 5 at least once, unless the writers really drop the ball. What do you think will go down? She has to choose between saving drugs or Mike based on a conversation you had with her in the past? Or..?
Edit: People don't seem to be getting it - in 400 Days, you find out for sure that Bonnie used to be a junkie. That's not up for discussion here lol. I'm just asking if you think she'll relapse.
I hope Bonnie doesn't choose drugs!
Pretty sure Bonnie is 150% clean.
Pretty sure relapsing is a thing.
Lmao, indeed.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
I took her "just old scars" comment as a comment on a past suicide attempt. The walker did grab her wrist after all and she hesitate showing her wrist to Mike... perfect place for "old scars" if you attempted suicide. On the other hand, not a typical place you shoot up. I mean, it's possible she is a former junkie but I took that specific moment and comment to mean she didn't want anyone to see scars from a suicide attempt.
I hope Bonnie at least tells the group she used to be a junkie. But that would be crazy if she relapsed.
They talked with Leland in 400 Days about she was on drugs.
No she IS a former junkie lol. You find that out in 400 Days. But you're right@shooting up.
Yeah, she might have just meant cutting. But in 400 Days, you find out she was a junkie.
I think drugs can lead to suicidal attempts.
Agreed on both counts.
I was hoping someone would bring this up, gosh I hope Bonnie doesn't start again. Maybe "old scars" mean track marks which comes from shooting drugs. But I'm pretty sure the Russians are doing some kind of drug trafficking. Arvo probably needed the bandages to tie around his arm to cut off the circulation to shoot up or to hide track marks. Let's hope Bonnie can keep her sobriety because lets just say she is easily influenced.
Oh Arvo is definitely a junkie. Without question.
"Yeah, 'medicine'."
She was a former drug user, in 400 Days Leland brings up how much better she looks and when they found her she was still on the "stuff". Then when Dee dies she says Bonnie is nothing but a junkie.
Totally forgot about her arc in 400 days. Okay so yeah she's a junkie. Still, I took the "old scars" comment to be suicide and not drug using. You don't shoot up in your wrist. But given her past yeah it's definitely possible that comes into play again.
Harry Potter was probably riding on that stick too long.
And his sister Vladimir is just... sleepy?
It's possible to shoot up anywhere as long as there is a working vein. People shoot up in there feet, neck, arms, wherever.
Yeah man, sleepy girls need oxycotin! Fact!
Yeah you CAN shoot up anywhere. But we're talking about a visual medium here where the scene is meant to resonate with an audience and while it is certainly possible to shoot up in your wrist it's not an area that most people would immediately associate with having track marks. If she had been grabbed on the inside of her elbow and didn't want to show that- I think that area of the body would resonate with people more just because I think the average person has that association. Either way it's definitely possible but I think the cutting thing is more likely just in my opinion. Although even both are certainly possible. And given that she's a former user I think it's quite plausible that will come into play again at some point if the opportunity presents itself.