Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures - PC and Xbox Live Arcade this Spring!
Hey hey, there's an announcement! Find out more in the blog.
Snip here:

Again, check out the full story in the Telltale Blog.
Find out more about the game on the Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures website.
Snip here:

The Blog wrote:We have two excellent pieces of Wallace & Gromit news to share. The first is that in addition to PC, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures will be appearing on Xbox Live Arcade. (Woo!)
We've long believed that XBLA is an excellent platform for episodic games, and we're super excited to be making our debut* with Wallace & Gromit. We even designed a new UI specifically for the Xbox controls. Before long you'll see for yourself, but for the moment you'll have to take my word for it that this series is shaping up to be Telltale's most cinematic endeavor yet.
Again, check out the full story in the Telltale Blog.
Find out more about the game on the Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures website.
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Thank you for all the fun and joy you bring us, Telltale! Keep on rockin'.
Vague sarcasm detected. Please explain what you mean.
The bottom link to the blog originally didn't work right, but it's been fixed now.
I'm definitely using my laptop for Telltale games, though. Achievements won't draw me away from the season subscription model(buying all the episodes separately is a pain for me), a mouse or touchpad, and the disc at the end of the season.
i meant the announcement being on facebook quickly (i'm on that more these days than any other site), and the bottom link went to a picture of the image just above it but now it has been fixed.
(Also, don't forget we're working on Sam & Max Season Two for Wii right now!)
and that is an eventual wii port.
Seriously, Xbox? I know you guys are working hard on porting this, and have much time and effort invested, but, XBOX players are quick/instant action halo 3 shoot em up people. In short, they aren't smart enough for a point and click! (that's why microsoft never ported a flight sim to it)
I wont complain about controls, because I trust telltale, and know that they will make it work.
EDIT: Oh, wait, Emily posted what I wanted to hear while I typed this.
RPGs like Elder Scrolls IV, Fallout 3, Mass Effect?
Civilization: Revolution?
I mean, how is your generalization better than "Wii? lol they only play party games duh"?
There is no "dark side". I play games on a PC and with consoles. Just like I toast bread with a toaster. I don't care what brand of toaster you use to make breakfast, and I don't care what brand of game machine you use to play games.
If I like the same game as you, what does it matter that I use the Sony Xcube or the Microsoft 64? It's the same game, and we both love it. Our reasons for liking it are probably similar, too. So whether it's one box or another that it's on, there is no "Dark Side". That's just silly. You can say "Hey, I like this game box because _____", but when you go on to say that XBOX players are cavemen who want to blow stuff up, you're putting too much identity into a box that at the end of the day shouldn't be any more divisive than your brands of toaster.
haha the 360 is the only console this gen that is ideal for all genres (ps3 fps are horrid cos of the shoulder triggers)
the reason microsoft didnt port fs is cos the controller hasnt got enough buttons. also telltale have already had a game on 360 (csi4).
oh another question; will it have a control scheme like broken sword 3 on xbox or a mouse like broken sword 2 on ps1
Actually, our beloved 360 is terrible with fighting games, due to a less-than-optimal directional pad. Anything that relies heavily on a D-Pad doesn't play well on the console at all. It works, for example, when games use it to toggle between things every once and awhile. But since fighters rely on the thing for combo creation, it just doesn't work that well.
hence you have a joystick
i so meant an arcade stick which is a type of joystick really
Also theres not much on the psn right now so telltale could really clean up with an episodic series on it i think.. I really don't know much about the technical differences between ps3 and xbox though.. hopefully we'll see a ps3 port at some stage
(it's March to June when you guys have autumn)
If I remember correctly, their engine let them develop for PC and 360 at the start, and they modified it for the Wii. I'm not completely certain on this, but I'm pretty sure 360 and PC programming are pretty similar just by the nature of Microsoft making both, or something.
I have a PS3. The triggers are fine.
or you could realease a community game!:)
Seriously though, those community games, ewwwwwww
For a console known for it's graphics...
They are always released on Wednesdays, so probably the PC version will be released the same day. Theoretically it's up to MS and only MS to determine which Wednesday of the month they release the game, but knowing it's an episodic series they'll probably have reached an agreement already. Here's hoping for a 800 MS points price point and I might double dip.
Any chance of a big graphical boost for the XBLA release
A big graphical boost relative to what?
Maxed out PC settings, of course
Due to my lack of an xbox and lack of parents that will allow gaming on our computer (I've tried to reassure them that it doesn't cause problems, but to no avail), it seems as if I won't be playing this game. I was looking forward to it, too.....
Perhaps, someday, we will see a Wii disc release.
That's good news, I hope there's not too much of a wait. I'm not going to be buying yet another console for quite a while, and I do want to play Wallace and Gromit.
Looking forward to more Sam & Max of course.
Our games have always supported anti-aliasing and some level of bump mapping. But yes, we've added more support for normal maps and some fancy new shader tech.
send... help!
Never mind, I'm fine now.
I put a spoonful of advanced shaders in my coffee once. Last time I ever do THAT!
(Its a joke.)