How do you feel about Let's Plays?
I would just like to get a good gauge on what the community thinks about the Let's Plays of The Walking Dead. In all honesty I don't think I would have picked the First Season as quickly as I did if it wasn't for the Let's Plays that started with it. I was just hooked from the beginning after that point. I was already watching the show and attempting to read the comics whenever I could. How do you feel the about them in general and what do you think of Let's Plays that are specifically The Walking Dead game?
I am currently uploading my playthrough of Episode 4 and I personally like doing them, I'm not sure if many people like watching people that aren't the big YouTubers that do them (i.e Pewdiepie, CinnamonToastKen, etc.) Nothing wrong with that though! Everyone is entitled to their own likes/dislikes I'll just leave my channel here. You guys don't need to check it out, but it would be nice if you did.
Also I was worried that TellTale were going to double death us towards the end if you know what I'm meaning, very glad they didn't.
I like Let's Plays, with Cryaotic being a favorite of mine. I also just like to see people's reactions.
I love watching Let's Plays. It's cool seeing how other people think in situations I have experienced.
I watch let's plays. But the comments section is always filled with spoilers..
It depends on the game, and for a game like The Walking Dead I don't really like to watch Let's plays of it. It's a game I feel you need to experience for yourself, especially when you see people picking choices that you would never. I like to listen to all of the dialogue too—even the less relevant background conversations—and most people obviously talk over that.
I understand we all have our preferences, but I really can't stand Pewdiepie, so the amount of views he has confuses the hell out of me.
I'm not a fan of them. If I watch someone play a video game, they usually have to be trolling another player or something for me to get laughs out of it. So since TWD game doesn't have any PvP or anything (not that I want it to lol god no), I never watch Lets Plays of it, especially since I already know exactly what's going to happen. Even being a big fan of Two Best Friends Play, I never attempted to watch their Season 1 playthrough.
Meh...i only watch them to see the reactions....
I find it entertaining to see what other peoples' choices were, I especially like commentary let's plays from Hannah, Pewds, Toby etc... some reactions are so funny.
I'm okay with let's plays but I really wish Telltale would be more strict about it and only grant it to a few and only allow them one playthrough that way the rest of the options and narrative isn't completely spoilered.
I feel like everyone I meet watch Let's plays but never buy the game themselves which is a problem. And also only forge opinions of many characters/incidents depending on the letsplayer's choices without experiencing it themselves.
I like Cryaotic and ZackScottGames.
Pewdiepie was the person that showed me The Walking Dead game, I remember it well. Season 1 Episode 1. He died at the Walker in Clems Kitchen, that was me, that game had grasped me.
That's a fair complaint. Usually I avoid the Let's Plays of The Walking Dead/The Wolf Among Us because I know I'm going to play them and don't want it to be ruined or my choices to be influenced by other sources.
That is one of my favourite things about it! The thought of "Did I make the best choice?!" or "Oh god they've went for the complete opposite of me"
I love them. Two Best Friends Play is awesome!
That can be a big problem with the bigger YouTubers especially since it's much harder for them to control the comment section when so many people posting. I suppose they could set up a filter for keywords (I'm sure YouTube allows this now) and that could maybe keep the spoilers to a lower amount.
I like Let's Plays, especially with a few (3) certain youtubers (whoshallnotbenamed)
I've watched them numerous times. I especially like the different outcomes they choose apart from mine.
I think you and me have the same feeling, the weird thing is that without Pewdiepie I might have not picked this game up as quickly as I would have. Yet once I'd picked the game up I stopped watching Pewdiepie's Let's Play instantly because what you said is completely right, it's something that needs to be experienced, watching someone else can only immerse you so much.
I don't mind him to be honest, his stuff is either a hit or miss with me, usually I watch the games he's playing and the commentary is a plus if it's not a game that has over the top screaming and stuff. His view counter is something that's to be marvelled at, also something that make you very jealous if you're a YouTube Gamer. Dem demographics though.
I love those videos as well! My favourites are Dark Souls ones, for a while it used to be Call of Duty just because people rage so hard in those games. The Walking Dead is more "drama shock" I think.
Same, at first I thought I hit the Walker enough times but then I died xd
i love lets plays but it depends who it is its great too see people who are like me and many others who genuinely love the game and its characters but some people don't have the emotion when you watch them lay it
Let's Plays (and my family & friends) introduced me to the Walking Dead.
Qunxx (a sims 3 youtuber, rip) first introduced me to it, and she did LPS.
The best part is seeing what type of person they are from the choices the make! Also I don't think anyone would make fun of you for the people that you watch on YouTube. I think this is a good, friendly environment
It was the same for me, I watched Pewdiepie's first part of the very first episode and I knew that I had to play the game instead of watch it. It also got my Girlfriend hooked which was amazing since she isn't normally a gamer.
Also if you don't mind me asking, why did Qunxx get a RIP? Has the person stopped making videos, or...
That's true there needs to be an interest in the game for the Let's Play to be a success I believe, if it lacks that and it shows in the video then it's not enjoyable for the viewer, it's not enjoyable for the creator. All in all, no one is having a good time.
I hope my Let's Play sound like I'm interested in the games I play(!)
At that part I seriously had to stop the video just so I could recover my sides from opposite sides of the room.
She died![:( :(](
Yeah it's pretty fun XD
Also the reason why I'm not stating their names is because the last time I commented on the youtubers I watch on this forum, people got angry and down-voted me big time. I don't really care too much about down-votes but I got a lot and people advised me not to name them on this forum since they are hated by a lot of people. I don't like getting people angry so that's why I won't name them. (One of them is Cry who a lot of people like but the other two have quite a dish of haters.)
Oh what! That's really sad, I hate hearing about stuff like that, it's a shame to think that something like that happened
I like them a lot and watch some from Pewdiepie, UberHaxorNova, Two Best Friends Play, ZackScottGames, YOGCAST Hannah, Storpey, GameTube... There have been more, but I don't remember all the player's usernames. It's wonderful to see all the different reactions and love Telltale's games get.
Aw man that sucks
. I can only assume that one of them is Pewdiepie since he seems to get quite a bit of hate to say the least. Nothing wrong with liking him, I'm personally subscribed to him and follow him on the Tweeterbird
I've heard quite a bit about them! I'm more of a Gamegrumps guy to be honest, but I think if I gave them a chance I would probably like them
doesn't telltale loose money by let's plays? also I recommend them to people who do not have any devices to play TWD or TWAU on but it is unacceptable to people who watch them but have a device they can play it on without a problem.
I always thought it gave more exposure for Telltale. Especially Pewdiepie, who gets like 1 to 3 million views on his videos.
They can be losing out on money from Ads but that is their choice to allow the people to play upload the videos to YouTube. The amount of publicity that they receive from the videos however are more than likely going to pay off for them in the long run. I think that's one of the reasons that the First Season was so well known/loved was because of the amount of exposure that it received and that snowballed with the brilliant story telling and character development that they had already made.
Yeah, Telltale really turned it around for themselves I think, I remember the Jurassic Park game and Back to The Future game weren't too well received, they were thought as okay. Then the Walking Dead dropped and blew most story/character development heavy games out the water.
Call of Duty trolling is most certainly the best due to how angry the community can get, hehe
Lol people will find out about telltale but what? They'll just go look at more lp's he'll do or other people. Majority wont pay for anything. Telltale should go talk to pewdiepie and get some of his money since looking at the reviews from people who worked at telltale, they'll need it.
Call me oldschool (been gaming for 27 years) but I just don't understand the appeal of Let's Plays. I'd rather play the game myself... and if I have no interest in playing a game, I certainly won't have any interest in watching someone else play it.
Being forced to watch my friends play single-player games growing up were some of the most boring moments of my childhood. I almost always excused myself and went home rather than sit and watch.
When it comes to TWD Let's Plays, I only skip ahead to catch reactions. Otherwise, I don't really bother. PBG had the best idea of Diablo 2 Hardcore, and that branched into Minecraft Survival Hardcore and Polaris hosting a two-team series with Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls. It's nice to see youtubers play together as guests instead of hosting their own footage, as the conversations and overall gameplay is much more genuine.
That is a possibility and if Telltale was to turn around and say that YouTubers can't monotize The Walking Dead people would grumble and complain, but they would have to deal with it and I wouldn't be bothered about it I don't make any money from my YouTube channel so it's not skin off my back but many people are living off YouTube and for those that do Let's Playing full time require that revenue which could decrease the amount of exposure that it gets.
It certainly is a tricky subject and I see where you're coming from. Telltale also get good exposure for being that cool company that let you make money off playing their games and then people view the company and any game they make in a good light because they're nice to everyone![:) :)](
Nothing wrong with Old school! Many people would say that it's the best type of school. I understand your worries about Let's Plays. Most people don't watch Let's Plays for the game but for the person playing the game. The jokes they make, the discussion they have and the rage that they feel are either entertaining to the viewers or they can sympathise having played that part of the game and want to see how the content creator handles the situation that may have caused them big problems years/months/days ago.