Max: I gotchanow! (image)

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max
Just playing around and thought this made for a very funny image:


I might later add an actual TV set or NES, but it was more for the humor of max using the lightgun instead of his luger.


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    That's cool! Did you make that Max as well?
  • edited February 2009
    Sadly, no, the Max was made by another foumite, who's name escapes me (its in the thread where Iw as asking for models) however I did all the riggings for the skeleton (I'm sure you noticed his chest kinda caved in when I moved the arm -_- I probably need to add some ribs to prevent that...

    I'm still trying to get Sam, Flint, and the Geek... *has a devious, but hilarious, idea*
  • edited February 2009
    That'll be my Max :D

    Sorry I never got back to you, things got very busy all of a sudden ¬_¬
  • edited February 2009
    It's ok, I understand, though I am still looking for Sam, Flint, and the Geek... if you make them I'll be more than glad to rig them (I'll even add IK chains to them now that I've finally figured out how to make those work.)
  • edited February 2009
    I'm not gunna have much free time until June really, if you can wait that long then maybe ;)
  • edited February 2009
    I'm not gunna have much free time until June really, if you can wait that long then maybe ;)

    Let me put it this way... I've built 1 scene out of around 500 I need to build... I dont think there's gonna be a time-crunch ;)

    I also may be able to get flint and sam models, though so far I've got nothin' on the Geek, so...

    let me know when you have time. In the meanwhile I'm gonna sent you a new max-rig when I finish adding the IK chains (work GREAT for his ears! not as good for his other body parts yet... need to change constraints on the joints...)
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