Season Two dominating Aggie award nominations

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max
Adventure Gamers has put up the 2008 nominees for its first annual "Aggie" awards, and Sam & Max Season Two got nominated in 7 out of the 11 categories it's eligible for! Winners get decided over the next couple of days. This should be good.


  • edited February 2009
    Harald B wrote: »
    Adventure Gamers has put up the 2008 nominees for its first annual "Aggie" awards, and Sam & Max Season Two got nominated in 7 out of the 11 categories it's eligible for! Winners get decided over the next couple of days. This should be good.

    ...nice work, thats like getting 7 out of 11 categories!

    I hope they win
  • edited February 2009
    Can you give us some names of the competion?
  • edited February 2009
    You could probably click the link in his post to find them :)
  • edited February 2009
    tabacco wrote: »
    You could probably click the link in his post to find them :)

    Ah tabacco, always the idea man (or muppet)
  • edited February 2009
    Don't know why I didn't think of that before.

    Proffessor Layton for Best Gameplay and Best Graphic Design? What were they thinking?
  • edited February 2009
    Probably that it has good gameplay and graphic design.
  • edited February 2009
    The first results are in, and Season Two took Best Writing: Comedy (both officially and readers' choice) and Best Gameplay (though A Vampyre Story narrowly beat it in Readers' Choice). More results due over the next two days.
  • edited February 2009
    Aww, only one more award today, for Music. Plus two Readers' Choice ones, for voice acting and sound design. Readers' Choice now has it tied with A Vampyre Story. Of course, the big ones are coming tomorrow.
  • edited February 2009
    Harald B wrote: »
    Aww, only one more award today, for Music. Plus two Readers' Choice ones, for voice acting and sound design. Readers' Choice now has it tied with A Vampyre Story. Of course, the big ones are coming tomorrow.

    To be fair they did beat themselves in the voice acting award :p Our bunny and dog duo have to share some of the love with the rest of TellTale ;)

    Well done on all the awards so far guys :)
  • edited February 2009
    I'm not surprised that SBCG4AP won best voice acting. That one person did all the voices except Marzipan, but you wouldn't know if you hadn't been told, is really impressive. Even when the characters do impressions of each other, they sound like the first character doing an impression of the second character, not like the second character. Like Strong Sad in Dangeresque 3. The voice acting in Homestar Runner is amazing.

    The voice acting in Sam & Max is really good too, though, even though it's not done by the same person. And I'm also not surprised it won best music. I'd have bought the soundtracks for both games already if I wasn't waiting for the SBCG4AP bonus disk to come out so I could save on postage. There's not many things I'd want enough to import all the way from America.
  • edited February 2009
    It is pretty hard to say which should have gotten voice acting for me, and I feel like it's fitting that the judges picked SBCG4AP and the Reader's Choice was Sam and Max.

    Generally I lean towards Sam and Max simply for the fact that I generally felt that the comedic timing of Sam and Max was better, and there is just a greater vocal variety. Still, having the same people do the voices, and the huge amount of lines done by two is astounding, and definitely deserves kudos.

    So yeah. Easily the most-split of the Telltale awards for me. I suppose SBCG4AP can get one.
  • edited February 2009
    I hate to post twice, but I have good reason!

    Sam and Max: Season Two got Best Third-Person Adventure! And Best Adventure!

    From the editors AND Reader's Choice. On BOTH. That's impressive!

    I am surprised that Strong Bad didn't get nominated for Graphic Design, actually. That was one of the best parts of SBCG4AP. Some glitches aside, the total revamp of the Telltale engine and actually creating a 3D The Cheat really should have deserved a chance. =p
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    the total revamp of the Telltale engine and actually creating a 3D The Cheat really should have deserved a chance.

    I agree, but I think it's sometimes hard for people to look at such a "simple" art style and realize how complicated it actually is.

    Now... Professor Layton for best console adventure? It's a fun game with great artwork, but not much of an adventure. I would have liked to see Strong Bad take that category.
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