What do you think will happen in the opening scene of ep5?
Ep 4 left off in a pretty big stand off with lots of gunshots. There's no way Clem's group gets away unscathed. In the opening sequence of ep5 who do you think gets shot and who do you think will be dead or dying?
Only way I see Clem's group having less causalities is if they get outside help from another group with snipers. By another group I mean A group formed by Crista and the other 400 days members, whats left of the group that stayed at Carver's camp, or possibly even a group formed by Lilly.
If there's no outside help I have a strange feeling ep 5 will open in a blood bath leaving Clem alive with the baby and maybe Arvo left with another russian. Maybe even Kenny and Luke with gunshot wounds.
Who do you think will die or what do yo think will happen in the opening of episode 5?
(I think their was already a topic on this.)
Anyways I see Mike dieing and possibly Bonnie and I also think either Kenny or Luke will be shot and slowly die over the course of the episode.