Episode 5 Death Predictions/ Kenny & Luke Choice?
We all know that at the end of Episode 4, Rebecca died from hypothermia and was shot either way be Clementine or Kenny, which triggered a battle between our group and the Russians. But who do you think died in this situation? Or even was wounded?
Bonnie: I think Bonnie would have been one of the few that makes it, since she only had the woman next to Arvo to fight. Maybe she would shoot the
woman and then try and defend some of the other group members.
Mike: I think Mike may be one of the group that dies, since I would consider him a minor character but still loved by many of us players. Telltale
doesn't show any remorse to anybody in this game. This could also set off a depression for Bonnie since I think there was a slight spark
between her and Mike.
Luke: I think Luke either definitely survives or gets wounded. Although he's got an AK, it's more than likely he'll be wounded by the bald guy with
an AK also. He would also contribute to the option I will include at the bottom of these predictions.
Kenny: Again, I think Kenny will either definitely survive or gets wounded. Kenny is playing a major part in Clementine's life at the moment so he's
more than likely bound to get injured, to also contribute to the option I will include at the bottom of these predictions. But despite the
likeliness of Kenny being wounded, his history of "near death" sort of makes him unpredictable in this type of situation.
The Baby:The baby may be one of the few that make it, since none of the Russians were planning on shooting the baby in the first place, and are
paying more attention to the group threatening to shoot. Also, at the beginning of the finale episode, I think we'll have a qte/choice of
either running to the baby to ensure his safety, or stand your ground and help the group which may change the story in some way.
Clementine: Since Clementine is the protagonist, she will definitely make it. The first supposed achievement of the finale supports as the description
says "Made it out alive", but this doesn't confirm she won't be wounded. Knowing Telltale, Clementine will probably get injured in some
way to make the game seem more realistic, and to make sure Clementine is getting treated as violently from the world as the other
characters are. Clementine should also stay alive in case she must take on the baby by herself, as Jane mentions she will be fine by
surviving alone, and the Luke/Kenny control battle over the baby seems likely to happen.
As I mentioned in Kenny and Luke's predictions, both would most likely be part of a choice if they survived the attack. Almost everybody knows now that there will most likely be a choice between saving Luke and Kenny. We don't know what type of situation that will be in, but this way siding with either one of them would come into play. So for example, if you side with Kenny and would prefer Kenny to continue caring for Clem throughout the Season (and maybe next Season?) because you don't see Luke as being trustworthy as to what happened with Jane, then go ahead. But if you think Luke is a more reliable character for Clementine, since Kenny easily gets depressed and loses control, then you would choose him. Some examples of situations would be:
Both Luke and Kenny are getting attacked from walkers (similar to the Carley/Doug situation):
[Protect Kenny]
[Protect Luke]
Or both characters are willing to sacrifice themselves for Clementine's safety, and you have to grab hold of one of them and run away with them:
[Sacrifice Kenny]
[Sacrifice Luke]
You get what I mean What do you all think?
Making Kenny and Luke determinant wouldnt work. Especially as their is another season now. More minor characters work but not those two
Could work if they are planning to have Season 3 with an entirely new protagonist. A Kenny vs Luke decision is without a doubt coming, hence why we've had to decide between them so much already.
Mike is going to die and I'm going to be stuck with Luke and Kenny fighting every 5 seconds while we freeze to death. We'd be better off with Mike and Bonnie than Luke and Kenny.
I really hope Mike lives. ;-;
Its so obvious if that is the case though. Im hoping its something else
I voted to stay & rest up in the ending of ep.4, not knowing I was siding with Luke & against Kenny. Those two have been bumping heads since they met, I definitely see a choice between them on the horizon. ..
I think we are going to have to choose between saving Bonnie or saving Mike. Luke and Kenny will both survive.
There won't be a Kenny/Luke choice. That would be a drastic change to the plot and would confirm the deaths of both characters in episode 5 or season 3.
If anything, telltale would probably kill both. They might give you a choice on who dies first.
I think it would work better if they had a save Luke or save Kenny choice, whoever you don't save saves themselves and they know you would rather live with the other.
Me too, but i also wanted Nick & Sarah to live, so i'm not holding my breath.
It's not gonna be a life/death decision between Luke and Kenny tho, if they continue season 3 where season 2 ended it's going to be impossible to create a story with Luke and a story with Kenny. (They would have to make like 2 games since Luke and Kenny are main characters) I think Kenny is going to die in some sort of dramatic way (maybe giving his life for the baby or Clem) and Luke will stay alive.
I agree. I have this feeling that Kenny will die in a very dramatic way because that would leave a big impression.
Just look at telltales cover image on twitter it is Luke to left Kenny to Right and Clem in the middle looking nervous holding a gun . The choice is obvious but will it be to save 1 or the other or go with 1 or the other it's coming !!
I feel in my bones Bonnie is going to die.
Characters like hers don't last for long.
It felt like through out the Ep4 the game kept forcing us to choose between Kenny and Luke. Usually it's a sign that there will eventually be a decision to pick a side. Personally, I tried to stand in a neutral ground and tried to calm them or tried to remind them that arguing is pointless. Considering their personalities I doubt both of them can continue to exist in the story anymore. I just wish that IF one of them has to die, it won't be in a silly [Choose X or Y] moment again. Because frankly (in my humble opinion) it's getting a little dull. Now, Bonnie for some reason I feel she's going to be around for a while longer, I'm not so sure about Mike. I doubt he will survive the gunfight.The baby on the other hand, I don't know.. He can't be around forever, I just can't imagine the story to continue with a newborn baby around all the time. So either he will eventually die (which would be terrible), or someone will take the baby from them. Alternatively Clementine might just get seperated from the group (again) and we might not hear from the baby for a long time, if ever.
I don't want a choice between Luke or Kenny because that means they both gona die sooner or later like all determinant characters.
Luke wouldn't abandon the group, I think hes proven that he would never do that when he chased after Carvers group for 3 days without any food and little water
like Clem said "Nobody is safe forever"