Special Editions of Seasons 1 and 2 with the original Hit The Road voices, please!

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max
This is a thread for anyone who, like me, is fed up with the new voices and wants the old voices back. Sorry, Telltale, I know you told me that not everyone agrees with me, but I wish you would understand that not everyone likes the new voices. I think the original ones are long overdue, and I'm sick and tired of seeing too many people on this forum bashing them for no justifiable reason. Okay?

By the way, not to bash the current voices... you can still sell games that have them, but I just wish you would start selling products with the original Hit The Road voices in them so that certain Sam and Max fans don't get left out. Just sayin'.


  • edited February 2009
    This is the funniest thing I've read all day!
  • edited February 2009
    I think the chances of this happening are really high, and I think Telltale would be stupid to do otherwise. Come on, how hard, time consuming or costly would it be to get back Bill Farmer and Nick Jameson, record thousands of lines of dialogue, package it up and redistribute it? I mean, it's not as if the new voice actors are as good as in Hit the Road.

  • edited February 2009
    Seriously, I doubt that's ever going to happen. The whole game just with different voice actors? o.o Too time and money-consuming, I'd bet.

    And personally, I love Telltale's current voice actors. 83
  • edited February 2009
    Ouch. Not again. :eek:
  • edited February 2009
    And Telltale wouldn't do it anyway, sides, the HtR voice actors don't even match the characters at all!
  • edited February 2009
    Yeah, I got a copy of Hit the Road recently, and the voices take a lot of getting used to. I don't like Max's deep voice, Sam's comes across as annoying. True, I played 11 episodes with the current voice actors (technically ten I think, pretty sure Max had a different VA in Culture Shock) so I may be slightly biased, but so are you, as you had a couple of yeasr remembering these voices, so new VA's will probably annoy you as much as the old ones do me.
  • edited February 2009
    Yeah, I got a copy of Hit the Road recently, and the voices take a lot of getting used to. I don't like Max's deep voice, Sam's comes across as annoying. True, I played 11 episodes with the current voice actors (technically ten I think, pretty sure Max had a different VA in Culture Shock) so I may be slightly biased, but so are you, as you had a couple of yeasr remembering these voices, so new VA's will probably annoy you as much as the old ones do me.

    yeah max's voice actor changed.

    also bad asp I am pretty sure everyone knows what you want, but you don't always get what you want, this is the umpteenth time you have made this request (in some form) so please just either keep it to yourself or go away.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    Not going to happen, no matter how many times you keep asking. ;)
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