Is it possible to update the retail version of Season One?

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
And if so, how?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    Update it in what way? There aren't any patches, if that's what you're wondering about.
  • edited February 2009
    Oh. I just thought there was for some reason, as season one episodes didn't support my native resolution (1680x1050). Oh well, it's still good even if the image could be a bit sharper.

    Thanks for the quick answer (first game developer's forum where I actually get an answer from a team member and in first post no less :eek:)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2009
    That's the same resolution I use on my laptop. Season One for PC doesn't support widescreen at all, sorry. :( (But Season Two does, and it looks awesome!)

    And you're welcome! I hope you enjoy the game regardless.
  • edited February 2009
    Thanks, and yeah, I will.
  • edited August 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    That's the same resolution I use on my laptop. Season One for PC doesn't support widescreen at all, sorry. :(
    It does with that resolution tool, with a few glitches, though.

    I wonder, since there is at least one console version supporting widescreen, would it be much work to port those modifications back to the PC version?

    Another oddity I noticed when playing my season one multi-lingual DVD. Episode 1 is the same in English and German other than the localization. Interestingly episodes 2 - 6 are not. There are several fading effects in the episodes which leave unfaded pillars at the sides in widescreen resolutions in the English version, but don't in the German version for some reason. I wonder why they changed the fading part of the game at all, which doesn't have anything to do with localization. Were there plans for a widescreen version at some point?
  • edited August 2009
    Oh. I just thought there was for some reason, as season one episodes didn't support my native resolution (1680x1050). Oh well, it's still good even if the image could be a bit sharper.
    The alternative is to play in window mode. I prefer that over a blurry image.

    I'd rather have Telltale working harder on S3 then polishing up S1.
    The DRM and the Wine-unfriendliness are much bigger issues then the screen resolution for me anyway.
  • edited August 2009
    move forward not back!

    just learn.. and it seems telltale is great at this..
    soooooo with that in mind we should be getting our matrix plugs to jump into our telltale games via jacks in our wall outlets... reality...2.01 :P
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