Not to sound like a douche but its bloody Mary not Marie.
Second its because shes a psycho badass 10/10 would bang(even her true form) I actually have her as one of the hottest video game characters on my list in the telltaletalk section.
EDIT:Just wanted to add this both forms are hot to me :P
Her glamor form is good looking I mean she is not ugly thats for sure however personally if I saw her true form in the night it does scare me a little,I do not think I could get use to that unless I was a fable since well u know..she shows up to mundies for one reason
Not to sound like a douche but its bloody Mary not Marie.
Second its because shes a psycho badass 10/10 would bang(even her true form) I … moreactually have her as one of the hottest video game characters on my list in the telltaletalk section.
EDIT:Just wanted to add this both forms are hot to me :P
Not to sound like a douche but its bloody Mary not Marie.
Second its because shes a psycho badass 10/10 would bang(even her true form) I actually have her as one of the hottest video game characters on my list in the telltaletalk section.
EDIT:Just wanted to add this both forms are hot to me :P
All I have to say is: Yes. She is damn beautiful. 999/10, Would let her kill me.
Yeah...She's hot as hell...
So hot it makes my eyes drool.
(Or if you want to be technical, cry)
I agree, I AGREE.
she reminded me of Jane from the walking dead game
I dunno bout her real form..I mean those glass things would really do a number on ya.
I rate her 666/10 - would summon again.
Speaking of which, I have to ask a Ouija board about her.
I never knew Bloody Mary would look so hot.
Her glamor form is good looking I mean she is not ugly thats for sure however personally if I saw her true form in the night it does scare me a little,I do not think I could get use to that unless I was a fable since well u know..she shows up to mundies for one reason
Ha, I thought I was the only one. Telltale manages to make her look hot and fuckable in her un-glamoured form.
That's fuckable to you? Different strokes for different folks I guess
For those type of people - they could, um, try and attempt to avoid the glass bits as they get funky in her lowdown.
Are you saying truffle through her cabbagepatch?
Oh Jesus haha! XD Someone must be like, "That is my fetish!"
Exactly what I'm saying, sometimes you gotta do just that in order to gain bountiful harvests from her crops.
Masochists everywhere must be having a field day with one such as Bloody Mary.
Any topic involving bloody Mary are easily my favorites now.
Who's to say she doesn't have glass down there? Reminds me of the movie Teeth.
Don't remind me of that shit.
Muehehehehe. *sinister laughter + dirty thoughts take over mind" OH. I'm sorry what were you saying?
Damn, she's taking over your mind again! Try to resist!
I CAN'T!! Her dashingness and majestic-fullness is too strong for my mind to resist!!!! collapses
Being badass boosts her attributes.
That's what makes me love her even more!
You guys are definitely right about that. Nice to see so many fans of Bloody Mary around there
I went into the bathroom and said Bloody Mary three times, and then I put a blanket over my head and cried when nothing happened.
Did you turn the lights off?
I cri evertim Cinicage. I cri every-dam-tim
Wait a sec, didn't she say it was 5 times? U still have a chance!
I want to do this to bloody Mary XD
Bloody Mary don't appreciate that...
Some fuel for the fire before I literally pass out (It's 4:45 AM).
Oh come on I'm sure bloody Mary would love a "pickle"(wink) smacking her in the face.
She's mine, dude. Hehehehe
Oh, hey there Mary, how are you doing today?
Why do I find both her forms hot? 0_o; Mmmm...yeah...
Even her shadow bleeds
Hell. All this love for Bloody Mary. Everyone that loves her, just say here, here.