The Fable Storyteller Awards - July Contenders
Greetings! Welcome to another posting of the Fable Storyteller Awards! If you would like to view the May and June winners concerning the F.S.A., please direct your eyes towards the bottom of the 'Create a Fable' original topic and click one of the links below.
This month’s new storytellers that have joined us are: Joham, ComfyCheesecakes, zgamer, Thywolf, ShadowChaser, and Stassja_Tru. Here’s to hoping that we’ll see more of their stories soon.
No little spiel will be given this time, and probably will stay that way for the rest of the F.S.A. discussions.
Anyhow, let us view July’s winners that deserve these well-earned awards:
- Best Newcomer Story: Joham, ShadowChaser
Take a look at these stories if you want to fill your imagination with newly thought-up reads, you’ll be amazed on what there is to read.
[People can find Joham’s story on page 26, and Shadow’s on page 31.]
- Story with the Most Mystery: PeterCaves
If you like a sense of mystery to be present in a story, similar to that of an X-files vibe, it is recommended that you check out this certain story!
[The start of Peter's story is shown below.]
- Story with the Most Feels: EMMYPESS, pudding_pie
Read these amazing chapters if you want your heart to be stricken with so many emotions at once. It certainly struck many to mine, that’s for sure.
[Recommended pages to start their stories are on page 23 (EMMYPESS’s story), and page 26. (pudding_pie’s story) However, it IS recommended that you check out the previous parts of their stories if you haven't already, in order to avoid being somewhat confused whilst reading.]
- Most Interesting Take on the TWAU Cast: pudding_pie
After seeing how this particular character acts in ‘The Wolf Among Us’, you would not believe how this user managed to make this person ‘settle’ down for once and have a normal life! Well, a normal life in Fabletown is probably a misinterpretation.
[Being part of a multi-chapter story that features 6 Fables altogether, this is meant to be awarded to the character in Georgie Porgie Junior’s chapter. (page 32) You’d have to read the earlier parts/chapters to understand what’s going on.]
- Fables of the Month: Robby, Mr. Weasel
Robby - created by, MasterStone:
Being a descendant of Robin Hood, trouble never ceases to find this young thief. Come to think of it: he’s also a crack shot with that bow ‘n arrow of his, so watch your butt. Follow this thief’s story if you prefer a tale of wit, action, and suspense.
[Robby’s story starts on page 27 and ends on page 36, you can also see his background on page 26.]
Mr. Weasel - created by, LupineNoir:
Being prepared and ready to go for the trip to Cambodia, a Glamoured weasel goes forth to the ‘I Am The Eggman’ diner to meet with a couple of familiar faces. However, his choice of attire isn’t greeted with the most approved of responses. Since, you know, bright-red Hawaiian-themed shirts aren’t all the rage anymore.
[Mister Weasel’s holiday-themed adventure begins on page 23, as it ends on 31. If you fancy reading more about him, you can view his rest of his story on the earlier pages of the story thread.]
- Mundy of the Month: Peter Caves
'F.B.I. Special Agent' Peter Caves - created by, PeterCaves:
A long night awaits Caves as he attempts to sleep in his apartment, but is greeted with restlessness and a phone call from his friend instead. Makowitz is his name: buddy, fellow agent, and the recent bearer of bad news. Read on if you want to see what the bad news is about.
[Peter’s mysterious, and dangerously foreboding tale can be found on page 29.]
Another Fable Storyteller listing has been finished! I still plan on doing more of these in the long-run, so keep on imagining, fellow writers!
Another well-thought-out selection, Dragon! Thanks for the Fable of the Month award ^_^ and to think, I've been contemplating killing Weasl off : O Anyway, well done to every one else, your stories always make for interesting and entertaining reads!
Hey quick question.
I have a idea to participate in August. It's going to a mini series of sorts with Fable characters...who aren't in the comics.
Thinking one of the seven Dwarves (who survived Snow's and Adversary's rampage), Captain Hook and Peter Pan, Rumpelstiltskin, the Swan Queen and maybe a few others from the Fable Cast (Probably Jack). It's going to be based shortly after Volume 5 and it will be a heist and war kind of tale, think Dirty Dozen.
I was thinking and wondering, is a AU version of this allowed or are we sticking to the canon here?
The many feels!
Glad I changed Georgie Porgie Junior's story now. Great selection Dragon and thanks for the praises and congrats everyone for wonderful reads!
Anytime! And don't kill off Weasel, he's such a dapper fellow. XD
Very incredible indeed, Stone.
You are allowed to do anything with your stories, aside from that, I can't wait to see how your next story will turn out!
Thanks, dude! Your varied styles of storytelling are always superb.
This is like an award thread? Awesome!
Yep! I have been doing this since the month of May. You can look at the other award discussions on my original story thread if you'd like - or if you want to see some of their stories in general!
Thanks, ill work on it asap!
Congrats, everyone
And thanks, as well.
Totally, Em, totally.
Yes, dapper! When you put it like that, it would be wrong to axe him :P
That's me after reading July's Fable Storyteller Awards...
Anyway, congratulations to not just those who received an award, but to all those who have participated in the massive storytelling thread. You've all contributed to making the thread's atmosphere one of awesomeness. I'm a little late, and was coming to say my goodbyes, but this motivates me to try and finish my story. Thank you! You guys rock!
Congrats to everyone that won and contributed to the thread. Hopefully, my story will pick up and continue but for now, enjoying the creativity in this place. Good job, Dragon on creating a place where people can come and create their vision.
I'm glad you're content with it! And yes, please try and finish your story.
Thank you for the compliment, JJ! I too, am still overwhelmed with all the stories that are being posted each day or week!
Best. Reaction. Ever. Congrats, dude.