Hit the Road Help?

edited February 2009 in Sam & Max
About a little more than a month ago, I had gotten myself a copy of Hit the Road. I was loving the thing until I got stuck on one part, which is what to do at the Mystery Vortex. I know I'm supposed to
turn on the magnets in a certain order that would allow me to go through a door, leading to a mole man,
but I just can't find the combination. I've looked on many walkthroughs, but they've never helped me in any way on this part. Can anyone help me with this?


  • edited February 2009
    One of the magnets is not visible, you have to walk into the cave to see it.
  • edited February 2009
    When you say cave, you mean the one that you're in when you step into the mirror, right? And if I'm correct, is there some sort of invisible third magnet in the same cave?
  • jmmjmm
    edited February 2009
    It's not invisible, just not visible from the point Sam stands when he enters the room (through the mirror). Walk right.
  • edited February 2009
    It took me a while just to get Sam to walk there after finding out about it. Its a yellow magnet. Just keep clicking on the right.
    Good luck!
  • edited February 2009
    Alright, I finally got it. Thanks for the help, guys.
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