The Wolf Among Us Season 1 is much better than The Walking Dead Season 2

Anyone agree? I mean sure TWD Season 1 is better than both of them in my opinion but
TWAU is just superior to TWD Season 2 in every way


  • We don't know what happens! You should wait until we play TWAU season 2! Than you can discuss!

  • The Wolf Among Us is way better than the walking dead itself.

  • Yes I have to say I enjoyed Wolf a lot more than s2 of TWD. Whether or not the entire Wolf series is better than Walking Dead we have to wait for a s2.

  • We cannot say that because s2 didn't finish . However twau is better than 4 episodes of s2 twd but s1 twd is way better

  • I agree, and even though I personally say this because I like the premise/story better, I think other people are saying this for two reasons - firstly, it seems that Wolf Among Us has better characterization than Walking Dead Season 2, and secondly, Wolf Among Us has the new gameplay style in its first season (meaning people had no previous expectations), whereas people expected Season 2 to have the same gameplay/episode length as Season 1.

  • edited August 2014

    I think its easily better than season 2 of TWD.

    Season 1 of the TWD vs TWAU is a closer comparison.

  • Before playing episodes 2, 3 and 4 I had a strong feeling that S2 would be my least fav Telltale Game (of the 3 "choice-based" ones that're out, TWDS1&S2 and TWAU).

    After playing episode 4, I still feel that. The way season 2's been going... I'm sorry, but unless Episode 5 is a MASSIVE, MONUMENTAL, EXTREMELY UNPRECEDENTED improvement over the rest of the season, S2's going to be my least favorite of Telltale's 3 choice-based games. And as of now, yes I really do agree, Season 2 is inferior to The Wolf Among Us.

    Now that all said, I, just barely, do like TWDS1 more than The Wolf Among Us. Barely...

  • Agree but...

    whereas people expected Season 2 to have the same gameplay/episode length as Season 1.

    I feel a lot of those forgotten gameplay elements added to the story being told.

    I agree, and even though I personally say this because I like the premise/story better, I think other people are saying this for two reasons

  • Yes.

    [Plays The Wolf Among Us' intro theme and walks down the stairs like a baws]

  • I'm still not entirely sure. Maybe I'll have a fully-formed opinion after playing TWD Season 2 Episode 5, but at the moment I have issues with both series that make it difficult to be conclusive.

    I suppose if I was FORCED to give an opinion, I think it would be a case of TWD S1 > TWAU > TWD S2, purely because The Wolf Among Us has had (as others have stipulated) better character development and such for the most part than TWD S2. On the other hand, there are some aspects of TWAU's ending and the overall plot itself which don't quite satisfy me so... like I say, I think I'll wait until Episode 5 of TWD S2 has been released to give a final answer.

  • I slightly disagree, I think they're both just as good. My only real complaint is that I miss the length of the walking dead season 1 episodes. But the content is definitely more quality centered.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited August 2014

    I love both games but prefer TWD season 2, i find the walking dead universe and it's characters more interesting because i am more into dark horror type stories and games, i have never been a big fan of fairy tale fantasy so fairy tale characters don't interest me as much.

  • I agree. Don't get me wrong, I love both games, and The Walking Dead will always have a special place in my heart for introducing me to Telltale, but ever since "Faith" was released, I couldn't wait to see more of Bigby and Fabletown....something which hasn't happened as much with The Walking Dead.

    Not only that this game is a lot more unique, but add to that the setting and the noir elements incorporated in it, and this seals the deal for me.

  • Meh.... I mean, Wolf was NOT by any means a bad game. And as a whole game, I definitely think that WAU > TWD2. But for all their flaws, I've enjoyed each episode of S2 immensely more than individual episodes of WAU, which have often times been slow and lacking plot developments (I'm looking at you episode 4...)

  • Despite their very similar playstyles, each game tries to do something different with its narrative, so it's hard to say that one is "better" than the other. Lots of the problems that TWD S2 has aren't applicable when it comes to TWAU or don't matter as much. TWAU isn't an endless parade of death the way TWD is required to be, the player character of TWAU is much easier write for, and the relationships between characters and how much the player cares for them isn't as important as it is with TWD.

    That being said, if we're comparing the degree to which each game accomplished what it needed to do, I agree that TWAU was more successful.

  • edited August 2014

    I like the TWD S2 more in some (most) ways

    The main reason is how rushed some episodes felt, like after awhile Telltale was trying to get rid of the series. Which is sad, I wish it wasn't like that. It was an amazing game but one thing I didn't understand with The Wolf Among Us was character attachment. I understand loving Bigby because hes a badass and he's the protagonist but honestly I only character I had a strong attachment too was Bigby and Nerissa. in The Walking Dead I have a strong attachment to Clementine, Luke, Kenny, Christa and obviously Sarah. Anyways even though this game and TWD S2 has there share of cons I will say I LOVE Twau's setting a eerie feeling. I just disagree that "Twau did everything better".

    In conclusion both games are amazing :)

  • I agree. TWAU is amazing. I basically just wanted to quote Blind Sniper because he's 100% right.

    I agree, and even though I personally say this because I like the premise/story better, I think other people are saying this for two reasons - firstly, it seems that Wolf Among Us has better characterization than Walking Dead Season 2, and secondly, Wolf Among Us has the new gameplay style in its first season (meaning people had no previous expectations), whereas people expected Season 2 to have the same gameplay/episode length as Season 1.

  • I think wolf and twd s2 are equal in quality both have their cons and pros twau got hit with the episode lengths more than twd but had a better story while twd had longer episodes but some of it seems rushed idk personally I enjoy playing twd more cause i just love twd in general not just the game but putting fanboyism aside I think wolf and twd s2 are equally good but twd season 1 beats them both

  • In my opinion the wolf among us is better than BOTH walking dead seasons

  • I can't tell you my vote until Episode 5 'No Going Back' is released and I have played through it 4 times :3

  • edited August 2014

    Can't you just start a thread about preferring the Wolf Among Us rather than inciting an argument. I like them both for different reasons and in different ways and I wouldn't want to choose between them. I want to play them both and am looking forward to Tales from The Boarderlands and the Game of Thrones stuff also.

  • This is all about opinions, and my opinion is that TWD S1 and S2 is 10 times better than The Wolf among us

  • yeah I agree those two are basically on the same level for me (maybe TWD S1 a bit higher)

    Belan posted: »

    I think its easily better than season 2 of TWD. Season 1 of the TWD vs TWAU is a closer comparison.

  • TWAU was unique in so many ways, this is why we crave more of it. MORE I say!

  • TWAU is far more superior, it has its own problems but it is still better than TWDs S2

  • TWAU > TWD S1
    TWAU = TWD S2

    Just my opinion.

  • It's been refreshing that's for sure.

  • It's basically the gap between 23rd Budokai Tenshinhan and Cyborg Tao Pai Pai.

    TWAU is far more superior, it has its own problems but it is still better than TWDs S2

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