So i just re played a chapter in Ep 4...



  • edited August 2014

    Great, more to add to my Ep4 list of positives. When it came to Kenny this episode, I used the word "conflicted", but I believe in a good way. The variation was indeed there. EDIT: Even if I think the dilemma that landed his character there in the first place was a nice player choice, but a rehash of Kat, minus the, uh... sympathy I had for her and what I thought her character was worth.

    I was an asshole for teh lulz the second time around. :P Tough love worked from time to time for my Lee, so I was curious to see how Clementine would do it.

    Ok. Here's the thing and this is actually a good example of why I think people who boast about how shitty the writing is in this episode jus

  • Let someone axe your dying girlfriend in the face and then see how you feel...

    Please explain how Kenny is right (RIGHT) in looking in a little girl's eyes, and without hesitation, calling her a "stupid FUCKING kid?" Ca

  • That would surely be in keeping with Kenny's character :)

    prink34320 posted: »

    I wish that his reaction to Clementine talking about shooting Lee differed depending on Lee's loyalty to Kenny in Season 1.

  • Let me ask you something. An honest question, do you really think Kenny cared about Sarita? Because the vibe I got from the past two episodes directly contradict that.

    -Kenny said that the reason he took the beating from Carver wasn't to help Clementine, but because he wanted to die. He wanted Carver to beat him to death in front of people who cared and loved him. Seems a little selfish don't it? If it were me (or anyone that was in a committed relationship) I wouldn't want my GF to see me die that way in front of her. Because like it or not, that is totally fucked up.

    Just like with Clementine, I suspect Kenny just wanted Sarita around to feel like he had purpose, not because he cared for her. And now this baby'll be next, he'll attach himself to the baby until it's inevitable death. Then what? I dunno, I don't want to stick around to find out.

    My point being, Kenny is selfish. He had never given a FUCK about Clementine in season 1, and now his true colors are emerging again. It hurts, but it's the truth.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Let someone axe your dying girlfriend in the face and then see how you feel...

  • Where did Kenny say he wanted to die from Carver by taking the fall for the radio? He never said that... And how could he not care about Sarita.. we dont know what Kenny and Sarita went through in those 16 months.. And yes If I were in a committed relationship I wouldn't want my girlfriend to see me die that way... but I also wouldn't let a little girl cop a beating or even worse from Carver.. thats why Kenny stepped in.. not because he wanted to die.. he was focused on getting out of the camp.

    "You dont just end it because its hard, You stick it out.. and help the folks you care about"

    Let me ask you something. An honest question, do you really think Kenny cared about Sarita? Because the vibe I got from the past two episode

  • Who does Kenny care about?

    Again, if he cared for Sarita, why then would he not have stayed close to her in that walker herd. Y'know, the one that was potentially life threatening.

    It seriously took the man like a good minute to get to her. And I'm starting the clock at the point the walker herd was attacking everyone after Carlos was shot.

    Clementine killed about three walkers, ran to Sarita, had time to hack either her arm off or the walker, then another fifteen seconds for Kenny to see her. So ultimately it's HIS fault if anyones that she died. Where the fuck was he? Not watching the "love of his life."

    Then, has the balls to put his failures onto a young girl. I'm sorry, but I see absolutely NOTHING redeemable about that level of selfishness.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Where did Kenny say he wanted to die from Carver by taking the fall for the radio? He never said that... And how could he not care about Sar

  • Yeah agreed

    joshua007 posted: »

    I think it depends how you're relationship was in season 1 with Kenny. My Lee and Kenny were not... BBF or just the relation in S2 I saw on youtube he had a calm reaction when you told him that you shot Lee... This is a interesting option

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