Replaying Season 1 and comparison to Season 2

Any of you done that? If yes then how many times?
I'm currently replaying Season 1 and its freaking awesome much better playing all the Episodes back to back instead of waiting months
And I gotta say without a doubt thats its better than Season 2 in length, choices, characters
I really missed Lee and all the others from the Macon Group (Carley especially)


  • edited August 2014

    I actually gained more appreciation for Season 2 playing it straight after Season 1.

    Season 1 did everything, I mean they went all out. Cannibals, Suicide, Shocking Deaths, Kids Death, Main Character Death. Season 2 was handicapped from the start. The writers have to come up with alternatives to manipulate our emotions, otherwise everyone would hate on them for repeating the same thing twice.

    Don't get me wrong Season 1 is most certainly better, but that doesn't make Season 2 bad by any stretch.

  • edited August 2014

    Here's the score from my POV:

    • Episode 1: Season Two's was much better. Far more quick paced and at the same time engaging, it made it feel like every decision mattered and set my expectations high for the following episodes.

    • Episode 2: Season Two's was better. The whole redneck cannibal family thing felt kinda of broke the nonsense threshold.

    • Episode 3: Season One's was much better. This one was arguably the turning point where it went from being just a reasonably good adventure game to being one of the (if not the) most emotionally engaging game ever. Whereas in the season 2 side it was merely a episode centered on a governor-wannabe jerk that took way too long to die.

    • Episode 4: Season One's was much better. While season one was giving us the iconic "boy in the attic scene" and setting the pace perfectly right for the catharsis in episode 5, season two was killing off interesting characters in the most vain manners possible and bitching to us about the virtues of abandoning people.

    • Episode 5: Season Two's episode 5 will really have to be something to outdo season one's... It was this episode that gave me two of the most memorable video game scenes ever: confronting the stranger after an awesome blaze of glory and the goodbye scene.

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