StinkomanFan-brand movie reviews

edited February 2009 in General Chat
I myself shall give reviews of movies i have seen and you tell me which movie i should review next.

It’s a wonderful life review
The film starts up with a beautiful senic view of space with a voice-over from 3 unseen charectors leading to the stories of George Bailey. The first tale is George’s first affect on the world. Saving his kid brother from a icey fate. The second one tells of him saving an old man from accidentally giving someone bad pills. The 3rd and longest tale is how he saved many people from bankruptcy as well as a bank, and a corporate fat-cat. He also meets his wife and marrys. The last tale is in current day time where Bailey’s life has gone into a downward spiral. He decides to leave his life behind for a watery fate. He jumps from a bridge to be saved by an angel. The angel then proceeds to get in an argument with Bailey. Leading to him taking Bailey’s dream of never being born true. After a horrifying revelince being that if he had never been born, millions of horrable things would have happened Biley takes back his wish and learns “A man without friends is nothing”.
I give it 4 1/2 stars. It gets the Silver Tear award, the Insta-classic award, and the Golden Banjo of excellent music award.


  • edited February 2009
  • edited February 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »

    I ment full-length feature films.
  • edited February 2009
    I meant full-length feature films.

    Isn't it, though?

    How about, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?
  • edited February 2009
    How about some older films that can be ound on the internet
  • edited February 2009
    Sonic the Hedgehog the Movie? (I think that's what it's called)
  • edited February 2009
    You got it. I'll give it a review by Monday
    Sonic the movie
    The film starts out on a shot of various technology and eventually Robotnik and "Hyper Metal Sonic". (HMS) It then heads to beautiful shots of Emerald Island followed by so far the worst voice in the film. Tails. Tails somehow gets chased by a burning airplane driven by an owl i've never seen in the rest of the franchise. Sonic saves them to gets some very wierd news about the president. And suprise! Suprize! Robotnik is their and kiddnapped the president and his daughter Sarah. He tells a story i'm pretty sure he made up about Robotropolis, a city about him. Dr. Robotnik sends them off to the city. The 2 eventually meet up with Knuckles and defeat the thing and meet HMS. Sarah and Robotnik try to stop them on the way. They then meet HMS and fight. The old guy gets PWNED and Sonic dissapears. Tails builds some stupid machine that'll stop HMS. Meanwhile HMS is destroying the world and Eggman has wedding plans. They save the day and all is well.
    It get's the Wet script award for awful dialog, the Bleeding ear award, and the "Why God!? Why?!" Award for awful film.
    Looks like neither Sonic or Mario could win in the cinemas.
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