Why does Bigby say that he can tell if somebodies lying, but never noticed when Nerissa lied?
If Bigby can tell if somebodies lying , why didn't he catch Nerissa in a lie at the trail in 105?
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If Bigby can tell if somebodies lying , why didn't he catch Nerissa in a lie at the trail in 105?
Because the plot demands it.
Well... The Crooked Man was bad either way, also I think Nerissa believed in her words which is why Bigby didn't notice it was a lie? It's a possibility
When someone truly believes a lie is the truth, it becomes hard to find out if the truth is lie or not.
Nerissa didn't have evidence but she believed he did it, so it wasn't lying...
Hmm...I could be wrong, but it is never really confirmed that Bigby has the ability to tell if people are lying. The reason why he knew Toad was lying in episode 1, it was because he notices his suspicious behavior, investigated his house and thought about Toad's excuses for the mess in his apartment. Also in episode 2 when TJ asked about his ability to know a lie, he could be refereeing to his job as a sheriff or joking with TJ.
Again in episode 5, Bigby notices something was wrong because Nerissa said something similar to Faith. Out of that, Bigby realized that Nerissa and Faith have the same speech pattern.
Yah I agree with this. Its more of a fact he can tell when someone is lying like most people, rather than some supernatural ability that can do that.
It was, she claimed she was in the room when CM ordered Faith and Lilly's death which was a lie.
Yes that was a lie, but I mean she still believed it was him, so she kind of did lie....
But in the comics he really can tell when people are lying due to his strong wolf instincts and one reason why he was sheriff in fabletown. Am not sure if Telltale transferred this into the game and prob downgraded plot wise
Faith was just that good of an actress.
He can't really tell. He just said it to Tj because Tj is a kid and will beleave him
The reason Bigby didn't know is because he never met Nerissa. That is the most logical answer.
Thats what I thought too. He just said it to spook TJ.
The real question is: why did Bigby think Snow was really dead when in the comics is stated that with his smell he knows exactly where she is, her mood, etc...?
Crane stole Snow's perfume and gave it to Lilly to help with the glamour and his "fun time" with her. I guess that clouded Bigby's judgment of whether or not that was the real Snow.
But the real Snow still had her perfume on, right? So Bigby should have smelt "two Snows"...
And also if I remember right, wasn't Snow's actual smell that Bigby could recognize and not just a perfume?
You do remember correctly. Bigby would have known if that head was actually Snow's.
Agree with Golthar.
Bigby was nerfed alot in this game especially his senses like smell.
You are correct. My guess on why is he was in double shock aka he was in shock at the same time Snow was.
Keep in mind, Bigby specifically states that he smokes to cover up smells, particularly Snow's because it has an effect on him.
Snow's he can't block out when smoking, even though he blocks every other smell.