Favorite moments in The Wolf Among Us
What were your favorite moments from each episode of TWAU? These could range from big events to small events. Mine were:
Episode 1:
- Woody fight
Episode 2:
- Dee interrogation (Torturing him)
- Throwing Jack out of the bar
- Georgie confrontation
- Punching the shit out of Georgie and destroying his place.
Episode 3:
- Tweedles and Mary fight (Guaranteed everyone is gonna have that one)
- Bloody Mary introduction
- Punching Georgie again.
- High Gren
Episode 4:
- Bloody Mary nightmare
- Jersey fight
- Bloody Mary's, "I see you moment"
Episode 5
- Bloody Mary gate crash party
- Bloody Mary fight
- The Crooked Man trial
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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Tweedles/Bloody Mary fight(that music and Bigby badass mode made it my favorite scene)
Gren at the trip trap
Episode 4
Jersey fight
Meeting the crooked man
Episode 5
Me after seeing your post: Plus, go fuck yourself.
You need to take a break from here.
Episode 1/2/3/4/5: Everything that involves Bloody Mary.
I support this.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
I actually liked the parts where Bigby and Snow interacted with each other (business office, taxi scenes in episode 1, post interrogation, dee chase, lawrence part scenes in episode 2 and so on...). So nice how the tension between these two were written in the story.
Episode 1:
Woody fight and Tweedle chase scene
Episode 2:
Puddin n Pie scene
Episode 3:
Drunk Gren and Tweedle fight
Episode 4:
Jersey Devil fight
Episode 5:
Bloody Mary fight and CM trial
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
So....everything xD
Hell, nothing wrong with that.
Indeed there isn't. This game is amazing every moment.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5