Sam & Max Season 2

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
I´am not presumably alone not to have played Season 2 of Sam & Max yet
but, I as many other fans of Sam & Max are looking forward to buy a copy
of Season 2 we it get's released on March 19 here in Sweden.

I have already buyed Season 1 and played it a time ago,
and have been looking forward to Season 2 to be released on a disc to buy. :)

Sorry if their already are a likable post but I didn't want to have to
roll through all older posts to find someone to replay to. :rolleyes:


  • edited March 2009
    Yay! Welcome to the club! :) I'm also waiting for Atari's release of Season 2.

    March 19.. that's probably when it gets released in Finland, too. (since we are neigbourhood countries, it can't be that far off :D )
    I'll have to admit that I've been running around our videogame stores constantly, in hopes of spotting an accidentally early released copy of S2 slipped somewhere. :D I know that's pretty much impossible, but I like to keep my hopes up.
  • edited March 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Yay! Welcome to the club! :) I'm also waiting for Atari's release of Season 2.

    March 19.. that's probably when it gets released in Finland, too. (since we are neigbourhood countries, it can't be that far off :D )
    I'll have to admit that I've been running around our videogame stores constantly, in hopes of spotting an accidentally early released copy of S2 slipped somewhere. :D I know that's pretty much impossible, but I like to keep my hopes up.

    Hehe thanks! :D
    Glad to hear that I'm not alone then in this huge fan base for Sam & Max.

    I assume Finland and Sweden have same releasedates as you say. :)

    Seems Sam & Max makes people run like hell to the stores or to the webshop to buy their copy of Sam & Max as soon it comes in. :rolleyes:

    So to say that: "The Adventure Genre Is Dead" is SO WRONG!
  • edited March 2009
    I'm curious. What's stopping you from buying it online? Does the online shop not support northern European payment methods?
  • edited March 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I'm curious. What's stopping you from buying it online? Does the online shop not support northern European payment methods?
    I think that a number of European ISPs have download caps.
    Also, there are probably people who have a more limited knowledge of English and wish to play the localized version so they can (if it's been translated well) enjoy the humor without the culture gap ruining some of the jokes.
  • edited March 2009
    For me it's simply - my use for credit card is really limited. >.> (My family is terrified of using credit card for online shopping, especially when ordering from the U.S ) So it's ALWAYS better for me to get the game from a local store, if just possible.

    I also have Season 1 as a retail version, and it just really wouldn't fit into my collection me to get season 2 with Telltale's own differently styled box art. (that is a small deal I know, but again I'm a perfectionist like that. :D AND Telltale's version is prettier, of course. )

    The game most likely won't get localized for Finns, but that's just fine. I always prefer the original voices, anyway.

    And indeed Chris, the adventure genre is not dead! And never will be! :D
  • edited March 2009
    Well the easy answer is: A credit card which I don't own, and the security to buy things online is very unsure. If I could pay via SMS payment then their wouldn't be any problem. :)

    Besides is nice to have a lovely box for Sam & Max to put in your game collection!...:rolleyes:
  • edited March 2009
    Chris23 wrote: »
    Well the easy answer is: A credit card which I don't own, and the security to buy things online is very unsure. If I could pay via SMS payment then their wouldn't be any problem. :)

    Besides is nice to have a lovely box for Sam & Max to put in your game collection!...:rolleyes:

  • edited March 2009
    Chris23 wrote:
    and the security to buy things online is very unsure. If I could pay via SMS payment then their wouldn't be any problem.
    For what it's worth, I think the lack of security when purchasing online is a misconception. Given an encrypted connection, it's VERY difficult for someone to intercept your information in transit, so long as the server on the other end is trustworthy and practices god data retention security standards.

    Compare that with, say, a restaurant, where you physically hand your credit card to a person you've never met before who walks out of the room with it and then brings it back a few minutes later. What did they do with it when it was out of your sight? Hopefully nothing, but you have no way of knowing that.

    Likewise, I once ordered a pizza for delivery, and the pizza showed up with my receipt, complete with full credit card number, taped to the box. Give me an encrypted online transaction over a possibly trustworthy pizza delivery guy any day :)
  • edited March 2009
    patters wrote: »

    I don't know about you, but I've never managed to add any other card than a credit card into paypal. So for me it never was a real option for alternative. D: (I'd love to do more online shopping myself if I just could add my debit card.. Pfft. )

    And true, the possibility for credit card-misuse is pretty slim. But not impossible. And that's just enough to scare the heck out of people. D: Plus the all the stories make it seem a huge and common problem, which has affected even on my family. No matter what I'd say, it wouldn't change their view of the internet being a dangerous place for shopping.

    But yes, luckily I'm allowed to do some online shopping once in a while. But still not too often. And right now it's one of those moments when I can't. :)
    So.. I'll keep waiting for the Finland release of S2. :D
  • edited March 2009
    Well however I'm glad that it get's released to the retailer also. :)

    And about the creditcard thing, I have a little doubt about order online
    with a creditcard regardless a good security or not.
    But that's my own opinion. :rolleyes:

    Let's put it this way: Some people don't have a problem to use their creditcard online but some people has.

    And all this comes down to every peoples own choice. ;)
  • edited March 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    I don't know about you, but I've never managed to add any other card than a credit card into paypal. So for me it never was a real option for alternative. D: (I'd love to do more online shopping myself if I just could add my debit card.. Pfft. )

    And true, the possibility for credit card-misuse is pretty slim. But not impossible. And that's just enough to scare the heck out of people. D: Plus the all the stories make it seem a huge and common problem, which has affected even on my family. No matter what I'd say, it wouldn't change their view of the internet being a dangerous place for shopping.

    But yes, luckily I'm allowed to do some online shopping once in a while. But still not too often. And right now it's one of those moments when I can't. :)
    So.. I'll keep waiting for the Finland release of S2. :D

    err i'm 19 and thus don't have a credit card, my paypal is through my debit card, a visa electron to be precise
  • edited March 2009
    god data retention security standards.
    I sure hope that PayPal has those godly security standards, then! :D
    I don't know about you, but I've never managed to add any other card than a credit card into paypal. So for me it never was a real option for alternative. D: (I'd love to do more online shopping myself if I just could add my debit card.. Pfft. )
    I don't have a credit card and I'm still using PayPal - you can actually bind your bank account to PayPal (it's a seperate account to supposedly ensure security). And must be the site I've used it the most on so far. :D

    Say, Telltale... You're not putting subliminal messages in your games and site that make me have to buy all your stuff, is there?...
  • edited March 2009
    DaVince wrote: »
    I don't have a credit card and I'm still using PayPal - you can actually bind your bank account to PayPal (it's a seperate account to supposedly ensure security). And must be the site I've used it the most on so far. :D

    You can even have an account on PayPal, which you can top up with a bank transfer - I don't think you can get much more secure than that. I'd never pay online with my credit card that's connected to my savings account (I'm not giving it to waiters unless the have a portable POS, either :) ) - but this method satisfies even my somewhat paranoid requirements.
  • edited March 2009
    Hmm, I don't know then.. does Finland have some limitations with PayPal? Binding bank account to PayPal doesn't seem to work for me. :(

    Or then I'm just doing something wrong.. either way, I won't be doing online shopping in a long while now - I'm still waiting for my Sam & Max statue to arrive. :D That has to be my most expensive thing bought online, ever.

    Hmm, it's already March now.. Season 2 should be in the stores soon! (if Atari's website tells the truth with their release dates. :D Or if the March 19 is true. )
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    When do you think it season 2 will be out for wii in the U.S.?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    The March release dates that you guys have been seeing online aren't real (sorry). Season Two aka Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space will be out for PC and Wii in the next few months. When we have a date we'll publicize it; until then, anything you read online is subject to change. ;)
  • edited March 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    The March release dates that you guys have been seeing online aren't real (sorry). Season Two aka Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space will be out for PC and Wii in the next few months. When we have a date we'll publicize it; until then, anything you read online is subject to change. ;)

    Aww, that's a bummer. :( I found that from Atari's website, so I thought it would be somewhat close, at least.

    But thanks for clearing this up. :D I won't run around searching for S2 just yet, then.
  • edited March 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    The March release dates that you guys have been seeing online aren't real (sorry). Season Two aka Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space will be out for PC and Wii in the next few months. When we have a date we'll publicize it; until then, anything you read online is subject to change. ;)

    Great! That gives me time to go through Season One for Wii, and to have something to look forwards to afterwards! Huzzah!
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