Activision Brings Back Sierra To Publish New King's Quest & Games By Indie Developers
Activision has brought back online and created a teaser video.
When Telltale announced they had lost the King’s Quest license, the article that announced the cancellation stated that Activision had their own plans for the series. I hope this has something to do with it.
A post on Twitter by GameTrailers TV's Geoff Keighley points towards it:
Credible reports coming in that @theoddgentlemen is working on a new King's Quest game. #sierra #gamescom
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My Mum was a big fan of the old King's Quest games back in the day. I'll be interested to see what a new one would be like.
I've never played a King's Quest game before, but I am familiar with a few other Sierra titles and I'm curious as to what this will result in.
That's a really short teaser. They say more will be revealed at Gamescom 2014, so I guess we'll find out next week. Meanwhile, "A gentleman never tells."
I figured that was just them showing off the future opening video for the logo as opposed to a video constructed solely as a teaser.
I played a few of the Police Quest games. Not really my thing though.
King's Quest... GOD thanks for making me feel old.
Nice. I really hope King's Quest IX will finally come out this time (it has previously been in pre-production four times before, at four different companies). It will also be interesting to see what other games Activision plans to publish under the Sierra label.
A new Geometry Wars game was also announced.
The Odd Gentlemen posted their official blog about the game on their website:
It sounds like they have a lot of love for the franchise, and their hearts are in the right place. I'm cautiously optimistic.
In case you didn't know of it and if you want to check King's Quest out, you might want to look into the Silver Lining game. Free to play. I haven't played it myself though or the other King's Quest games, so I can't say how good it is in comparison.
I'm curious as to how that new Geometry Wars game will play out. I recall the second Geometry Wars game on Xbox Live Arcade had some pretty ambitious new ideas and game modes. The second game is also out on iOS, although it's a bit dated and doesn't support retina display, etc.
Silver Lining was a disgrace and not a real King's Quest game.
Sierra Online was by far the greatest adventure game company and remains the most influential in adventure game history.
I hope ActiVision and theoddgentlemen do a great job with this new King's Quest. Very happy to see this. :-)
Agreed! I love that they seem to have a lot of affection for this great series.
It will be adventure game.
I'm glad about this. I really don't mind if it's completely mouse controlled or not (Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures is my favorite Telltale season, and it's controlled by mouse and keyboard or joystick), but I'm really glad they're still intending to make it an adventure game (hopefully with some fun puzzles).
The plot line of the new King's Quest sounds perfect to me too. Graham is telling stories to his granddaughter, so we'll get to see what the Graham clan has been up to since Mask of Eternity. But, we'll still get to play as a younger Graham, which should be fun. It's could be the best of both worlds, both a sequel and somewhat of a reboot in one.
I also never played a Geometry Wars game (although I think I will in anticipation of this), but the Sierra brand seems like a good fit since Sierra published Geometry Wars Galaxies. I wonder if they plan to publish any other new games based on franchises that Sierra had published in the past.
I keep having these visions of, "Choose from 16 different artillery types and help King Graham mow down those revolting peasants!" So as long as we don't get that.....
I think they have it on Xbox for around 5/10 dollars, or on iOS for a few dollars. I highly recommend Geometry Wars 2, as it's one of my favorite twin stick shooters.
Well, it looks like they'll be releasing indie games that haven't had a Sierra connection before as well. This puzzle platformer, Shiftlings, looks like it could be a lot of fun.
King's Quest Voice cast
Woo! The voice cast has been announced for King's Quest, and they've got a great lineup. Christopher Lloyd, Tom Kenny, Wallace Shawn, Josh Keaton, Maggie Elizabeth Jones and Zelda Williams.
And, yes, Christopher Lloyd will be playing the older King Graham. I really didn’t expect that, but it’s so perfect.
Christopher Lloyd! I love that guy.
Never played King's Quest before. I might check it out. I have heard its really good.
I played a few of the originals. Wasn't really my thing as a kid, but I might try them out again.
I just hope there are no more fiendishly hard puzzles in the reboot (i.e. don't find a boot on a random screen in the desert, and end up being trapped in a cellar hours later). The stories and characters are strong enough to stand on their own.