Season 2 for Android users

Allright. There's probably plenty of these already but I'm adding my piece. Episode 4 of season 2 has released for everyone but android users. I paid money for the season pass and I expect to get my content just like everyone else. Instead, I come online to try to get support and I find spoilers galore glaring me in the face. I can think of no reason why Android has not yet had a release, or why we dont at least have a release DATE! I am a very ticked off customer. I want a formal apology, and I want TellTale Games to make up for this gross disservice to android users.


  • edited August 2014

    Please stick to this thread.

    It's the easiest place to discuss release dates for platforms that don't have the episode yet without getting spoilers.

  • Too late for that, the spoilers have been spoiled mate. And I've not even seen an announcement on the reason for the wait or ANYTHING

  • The way see it is that this TWD season waz releazed way too early. Remember back in season one when everything waz ready to be releazed and then it waz az oppozed to everythinh being rushed due to fanz who wanted 'more', no onez fault. Don't blame TellTale coz' of their fall outz. They have proved they can make a decent game. Realistucally speaking, they didn't have much to work with from 'No Time Left'

  • Anyhoo, this season could have been a flop, but we got a great arc for season 3, which haz the potential to be the highlite of TWD

    Juz my opinion

  • BTW

    I did season 1 on PC and thiz zeazon on Android : /

    If anyone haz the right to troll itz me, the game iz pretty, much unplayable at zome pointz

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