Any Redditors out there? (Subreddit Recommendation Thread)

Hello, everyone! I joined Reddit a couple of years ago and in that time, I've found no shortage of interesting info and discussions. I decided to throw together this thread for people to recommend interesting subreddits of all types.

Personally, I visit a few different subs on a regular basis.

-r/WritingPrompts: Easily the best sub I can think of. There's a ENDLESS supply of short-story prompts here and you can even create your own. Most people give really good feedback to people who reply to their prompts. In short, this is an amazing resource for any amateur writers out there, especially those who are prone to writer's block.

-r/HipHopHeads: The community can be insufferable, but there's lots of good, new music to be found here.

-r/SubredditDrama: A sub that finds and archives the brutal flame wars and arguments that tend to explode at a moment's notice. They're often hilarious. A thread on The Walking Dead Game sub was featured a couple weeks ago. Fun times!

-r/SyrianCivilWar: On a slightly more depressing note, this sub provides by the minute news and combat footage from the ongoing bloodbath. Be warned, this isn't for the faint of heart. Regardless, it's a much-needed wake up call to the rest of the world.


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2014

    I'll list some favorites too:

    • /r/LifeProTips - They give out nifty advice for certain situations to help get you a leg up.
    • /r/frisson - They provide links to music, videos, text excerpts, art, etc that gives you goosebumps
    • /r/InternetIsBeautiful - They provide links to cool websites that provide a niche purpose, or have cool aesthetics.
    • /r/ExplainLikeImFive - This sub allows users to ask questions in an environment where other users are encouraged to provide answers in Layman's Terms, whereas the question would normally be harder to answer.
    • /r/DecidingToBeBetter - Discussion about self improvement. Some may find a few of the links provided to be generic/corny, but if you are into this kind of thing, it's nice to read the articles sometimes.
    • /r/NotTimAndEric - This sub provides links to weird - and sometimes, borderline surreal videos that are funny yet uncomfortable to watch.
    • /r/tf2 - I'm a pretty big fan of Team Fortress 2. As you could probably guess, they discuss the game, various strategies, etc.

    Also, if you didn't know, some users have made various Telltale themed subreddits.

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