Episode 4 FINALLY released on android!!!!

I am so excited to play Amid the Ruins!! After all this waiting they finally updated it!


  • Ehmm..Knowing what happens in the episode kinda ruins it,doesnt it ? If you have been at forums the last week,you must have read a lot of spoilers :P Anyways,have fun !

  • Well, I have been trying to keep away from any spoliers! I know some but not much! Thanks, I sure will have fun! !!

    Tolispro posted: »

    Ehmm..Knowing what happens in the episode kinda ruins it,doesnt it ? If you have been at forums the last week,you must have read a lot of spoilers :P Anyways,have fun !

  • Glad someone is happy today, here is a like for being positive.

  • Bout time, only took nearly four weeks after, hopefully we won't have the extra wait with episode 5! But ah well let's finally play it! :D

  • Yess!!!

    dnsanders posted: »

    Bout time, only took nearly four weeks after, hopefully we won't have the extra wait with episode 5! But ah well let's finally play it!

  • Good news, now you Android fans can quit moaning and enjoy the episode lol

  • Does this include the version for kindle fire hdx? We've been checking it all day and still are unable to download the episode. Help?

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