This is awesome stuff... :)

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
Hey, I finally picked up Sam and Max. It's been pretty fun playing so far. I'm on Season 2 Episode 2 now and find that S2 seems more polished than S1. The puzzles are less random and more connected, there's less inventory randomness too, the music's even better, the 3d mode pans more smoothly(less jerkiness and odd angles) and that the graphics look sharper now. :)

Keep it up! :)


  • edited March 2009
    Glad you enjoy yourself. And believe me, the best is ter to come. lol
  • edited March 2009
    Thanks. I kinda really liked Jurgen. Thought he was really cool and much more interesting than the Soda Poppers and much of the other cast. I hope we'll get to see more of him in the next few games.

    Btw, I'm a little disappointed in the new interface: during the car shooting games, the crosshair is often barely detectable since the colour shows up very poorly against dark-coloured backgrounds and its' size means I can barely see it. Yes, I've tweaked the graphics card contrast settings but it still doesn't show up too well. Also, the new pointer is extremely tiny but oh well, whatever.
  • edited March 2009
    Jurgen is just plain awesome. I don't see how people couldn't like him
  • edited March 2009
    Yeah, he's actually kinda cute. :) In that "cuddly evil" sorta way. :D
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