Season 2 Case File Time Cards

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
Hey everyone,

I am a fairly big Sam & Max collector and I am looking for all 6 of the timecards that come in the casefiles. Instead of buying a bunch of casefiles and trying to get them all, I am hoping that I might be able to buy some off of you all. I am willing to pay any price within reason, so if you are interested in selling your time card, please contact me through this thread or at


  • edited March 2009
    There are 6 different time cards?! I know I wasn't on the board for a while, but I don't remember hearing about this.
  • edited March 2009
    There are 6 different time cards?! I know I wasn't on the board for a while, but I don't remember hearing about this.
    There are. And the codes on the cards are real, too. The data from all of them creates a picture, if I'm not mistaken.
  • edited March 2009
    Quite right. That little scavenger hunt is archived in this thread.
  • edited March 2009
    Wow can't believe I missed that -_-;
  • edited March 2009
    I'm just hoping to collect scans of all 6, rather than the physical cards. I'm happy owning one physical one.
  • edited March 2009
    I have extra Superball and Bosco cards, if anyone is interested.

    I'm looking for Sam and/or The Sodapoppers. :)
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