Sam and max Hit the road

edited March 2009 in Sam & Max
You guys should start selling Sam and max: Hit the road! Because alot of people didnt get to play it (including me) And if you had a deal for it on your website, it might sell alot!


  • edited March 2009
    Yeah I really want to play it and have been wondering why you haven't put it on the site for a while now
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Sam & Max Hit the Road belongs to LucasArts, so it's up to them to decide if they want to sell it or not! We own the Sam & Max games we've made, and they own theirs :)
  • edited March 2009
    You can get it from Ebay for ~$15-$20 if you shop around a bit.
  • edited March 2009
    Funny, I've seen a bunch of Lucasarts classic-games on my local stores, including Hit the Road. o.o And I don't mean just a few, there's like.. a pile of them.

    But yes, ebay or some other online store might be your way to go. :) These current versions are even modified to work fine on Windows XP (maybe even Vista. )
  • edited March 2009
    Trica, you should buy a bunch and then offer them on eBay for the same price for the good of mankind or something. :p
  • edited March 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    Funny, I've seen a bunch of Lucasarts classic-games on my local stores, including Hit the Road. o.o And I don't mean just a few, there's like.. a pile of them.

    But yes, ebay or some other online store might be your way to go. :) These current versions are even modified to work fine on Windows XP (maybe even Vista. )

    That's because you live in Europe, where they have been rereleased.
    Here in that meh ol' US of A, LucasArts likes to pretend adventure games never existed.
  • edited March 2009
    Wow, it's Europe-only rerelease? o.o
    I never thought that would happen! But that sucks, anyway. :(

    And DaVince, I'd definitely do it! - if I had enough money and an eBay account. :D
  • edited March 2009
    I bought it off eBay for 10 euro, or there-abouts. It works fine on my Vista, perfectly in fact. So good luck getting it, it's a great game.
  • edited March 2009
    LucasArts should sell it on Wiiware or something. I got mine from Amazon. You should be able to get it cheap. :)
  • edited March 2009
    LucasArts should sell it on Wiiware or something.

    Unfortunately all the good people who liked adventure gaming have long ago departed from what was once LucasArts; now all they do is license outside studios to develop more Star Wars games. I think they disposed of all their in house dev talent, actually.

    LucasArts used to be cool. I still remember the old days when the Adventurer was sent out to their customers. At least some of the former LucasArts people ended up at Telltale. But as was mentioned earlier, what remains of LucasArts would rather deny that adventure gaming ever existed, and that they ever developed any adventure titles. Oh well.

    But hey, Season 3! Can't wait to see it... Oh, and if you need a beta tester, Telltale, I'd be happy to help. :)
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