Steam pre-order

edited March 2009 in Game Support
I already own the telltale everything pack (on steam) will I be able to gift my 2 extra games to a friend when I prepurchase on Steam?


  • edited March 2009
    I would wait for a TTG employee to answer this for you, but I expect the two free games to only apply to orders made through this website. The Steam page for the game does not even mention the two extra games. Hopefully this doesn't stop you from ordering the games!
  • edited March 2009
    It does not stop me. Steam advertises the 2 free games for me...

    But I am not sure where to buy them. I have all the other games on Steam (I Bought S&M Season one and later the telltale Everything-pack with Strong Bad included) but that has the disadvantage that I cannot get the Bonus DVD or share the games with my friends since I am not willing to give them my Steamaccount.

    Edit: Okay I just preordered the games any ways.
    No gifts for my friends.

    I guess the topic can be closed now.
  • edited March 2009
    I don’t think, that you’ll be able to gift the two extra games.
    I bought Portal some time ago [was a Weekend Deal]. Then I got The Orange Box for a low price and activated it, but I couldn’t gift my then extra Portal. A friend once bought Eets on Steam and later that Indie Game Pack which was a Weekend Deal, too, not so long ago. He also couldn’t gift that extra game.
    In fact, the Steam Support Knowledge Base mentions only Half-Life 2 and HL2: Episode One as the only giftable games url=]here[/url] and [url=]there[/url, when already bound to that account with which you want to buy the new pack.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s it, I guess.

    Aw, didn’t realise your edit...
  • edited March 2009
    When GTA was on presale with Vice City as a free game rockstar enabled gifting if you already had Vice City on your account. So there could have been the slight possibility for the free games to be giftable.
  • edited March 2009
    Oh, yeah, I remember. That’s right... Don’t know why it isn’t possible in general [it should be IMHO].
    But that’s probably something that should be discussed with VALVe.
This discussion has been closed.