We need Moderators!
So I heard that a few moderators quit and I'm seeing more abusive language and hurtful comments than ever. People are arguing about Luke and Kenny like its real life. I think that we need at least three to four new moderators to control hurtful content, spam, and trolling/bullying. Having the dislike button removed was a step in the right direction but it's not enough. I know many people who say that they're going to quit the forums because it's becoming a place where people will hate you for your opinion on fictional characters. This is my favorite website and I'd hate to watch it turn into an unfriendly online war zone. I know it doesn't really work this way, but I volunteer as a moderator. I'm on the site at the very least 3-4 hours a day. If I can help out on any way than please let me know. Until than, eat the shit out of Raccoons and god bless Urbans!
The moderators don't have a maximum or minimum but i think new moderators wouldn't sound like a terrible idea since the amount of mods went down a little and the amount of 'drama' has risen.
I agree. How many are left now? The only one I've seen is BlindSniper and someone else(I forgot his/her name)
there are moderators they mainly lurk, but them sometime there are so many comments and threads popup at a time and they can't get to them all. Also, they have to go through reports of offensive behavior.
I'm not aware of the exact number, all i know if Darth and Jennifer have stepped down not too long ago. OzzyUK? Ozzy is around here a lot, keep in mind other mods are in different parts of these forums. Some mods are here like Blind Sniper and other mods are in the Telltale Talk section.
I imagine if they got new moderators, the current moderators would probably choose based on a list of people they've seen post who think the person would do a good job. Really, the hardest part is simply choosing someone who'll keep discussion polite, respectful, and isn't biased where they only follow those modding duties when its against a side they don't like.
I'd be a really bad mod. I'm opinionated as fuck, and I wouldn't able to handle the forums after Episode 5. It'll just be like:
That being said; good luck to the mods. Sounds horrifying. But we might need 'em.
The mods don't actually make the final decision on whose mod (i think), they suggest users that would fit the criteria of being a mod and i believe it is Laura who makes the decision. (I could be wrong)
Pretty sure the mod team knows they need more active members, and that there are going to pick them based on anything other than by threads made by various people. Just sayin'.
The mods recommend people and the staff chooses, they also don't take requests. I think Blind said that telltale would e-mail you if they wanted to know if you were interested for the job.
The point of this thread just seems like a poorly disguised "can I be mod" thread.
Yeah, sounds like a difficult job.. I was a mod on Hunger Games wikia and i recall when The Hunger Games movie came out there would be threads like "What the hell! The budget was so low, it was crap!" its a difficult job for sure.
You're right, it's actually more blatant than disguised. <_<
"Poorly"? More like, ah, I can't think of a poor business man. Nevermind.
You can help out, if you see something that you think goes against guidelines, you can simply pm one of the mods or go by the comment and flag it. That is the easiest way you can help out,
I'm sincerely not trying to be rude but I have no idea what you just meant. Can you try again, please?
You forgot to list your resume.
I haven't seen anyone suggesting themselves at mod yet. I see it more as a concern.
OP's post:
BTW, I liked your video on the Silent Hills demo. I fell asleep to it the other night as I don't have a PS4.
Huge fan of that series and it was cool to watch.
Mods may have special tools but doesn't mean the community can't do their part
Theres no issue with saying you want to be a mod, I recall another thread having a previous mod saying he said "I want to be a mod" and i believe later he became a mod. I don't think saying "I want to be a mod!" will make Telltale think you are impatient and not 'worthy' enough.
Never said that, but it comes across as silly. Maybe I'm just jaded from years as an admin on a rather large forum and seeing kids make "can I be mod posts".
Not trying to be a deliberate jackass by any means, but I'm calling it how I see it.
Oh thank you! I didn't know you were a fan. I am glad you enjoyed my P.T. Walkthrough.
I nominate myself...
All that power, all that control... MUAHAHAHAH!
You nominate yourself as Tribute!
I'd like to be a mod, but since @Puzzlebox picks them by their own decision, I'll just keep on being a good member of the forums.
In light of a moderator quitting, we are currently discussing the recruitment of more moderators behind the scenes.
As usual, I should point out that we come to you and that we very rarely accept people who ask to join.
Did....Did you just make that gif in 8 minutes?
Did you forget the part about me being a gif making master?
Might not be the best place to make the suggestion either, but if you'll hire new mods, you'll should probably think about just having them get alt accounts as TellTaleMod01 or something to make issues less personal in the future. Even without new mods, it might be a good idea to have a general account like that for the current mods, or one you'll can switch to at times when handling threads.
I don't think anonymizing (is that a word?) the mod team is the way to go. Not only is it inconvenient for mods to have to log into a new account to do their jobs, it makes the interactions between the mods and regular users seem much more cold and unfriendly. People shouldn't come to see moderators as a faceless police force enacting "the will of the forum." They should just see them as regular users who try to clean up the forum and keep things from getting too out of control.
I think new moderators sounds like a good idea, keep the forums safer and help out the existing ones.
I love it when people agree with me
I agree, except for the nominating yourself part. No offense, but you've been here for less than a month. If pretty sure that most mods have been around for a couple of years, at least.
I'd never make the cut as a mod. Every so often, I get all caught up in the moment and get...belligerent. 0_0 it's a Jekyll and Hyde kinda thing. I don't think I'd react well if I got flamed like some of the mods here.
That's not what this is about. I'm just saying I'm offering but it's manly about more mods in general.
Thanks for the advice man!
Gotcha, thanks.
I've actually been here since March 2012. Yes, I just started a new account but that's only because there's no way to change my username on my pre-existing account. I was Carley Everett, CarleyClemKenny, Clementinevstheworld, ReignofClementine, DawnoftheClementine, and now RocketRaccoonClem